"oh yes this is the life"
By Sanbaz

3 Feb, 2010
casper is soon settled and enjoying his new life :o))
Comments on this photo
he is happy jacque, the flat bed was angelina`s, i knew she wouldnt mind casper having it :o))
3 Feb, 2010
Sheer bliss !!! " Ive Arrived " !! Lol
3 Feb, 2010
Aw, Sandra, he is sooo lovely...
3 Feb, 2010
lol ray, wonder if they do think like that, im sure he is happy with us :o))
thankyou so much uma :o)))
3 Feb, 2010
Im sure ur rite San ;) X
3 Feb, 2010
thanx jacque xx
3 Feb, 2010
Hi Casper...you have fallen on your feet here son ! Jane here...what a great sight !
3 Feb, 2010
hi jane isnt he cute, im made up and so happy to have a new garden companion ;o)) how are you jane, good i hope
3 Feb, 2010
A bit bogged down with work at moment San..a teaching assistant...busy term but half term break coming up a week on Friday YES ! Longing to get out in the garden too and will be glad when all this snow has gone !
3 Feb, 2010
thought you must be busy jane, bet you will be so glad for the half term, hope the snow has gone for you, think we all need to get out in the gardens dont we, joe going to do a bit more with taking the stumps out while he is off college bless him
3 Feb, 2010
Kind of him San.Didnt mind so much first time round but then just as we got rid of it all back it came last weekend and is still here now ! Little bulbs bravely poking through though...love to see colour in the garden again.All that white gives me a headache day after day \Lol
3 Feb, 2010
xxxxxfrom Deida and Percy
3 Feb, 2010
Awwww, he's enjoying his new home
3 Feb, 2010
know what you mean jane, snow does that to me sometimes so bright, soon be spring :o))
thanx deida and percy xxxxx
sat on my knees now and trying to type lol ;o)))
3 Feb, 2010
Look at him on his new bed.........he's so happy San...want's to do everything right for you....:o)
3 Feb, 2010
he sure does janey, such a good boy and so loving to ;o))
3 Feb, 2010
I am deffinately coming back as a cat .... :o))
3 Feb, 2010
a pampered cat amy :o))
3 Feb, 2010
Ohh yes ..LOL........
3 Feb, 2010
Its a Cats Life miow!!!
3 Feb, 2010
Well, that didn't take him long! Brilliant photo.
3 Feb, 2010
Thats the life, our Jessica's cat Pepsie use to live next door to me, the one opposite me in ally, but she was treated terrible never allowed in all her food was left outside so if she did'nt eat it right away other cats use to eat it for her or if it rained the food was all soggy and floating in water and when it was hot it use to bake in her dish, never any water left for her, her owner was quite a desent fellow to look at and talk to and was in his 40s going towards 50 but i use to feed her when he was at work, to make sure she had some food, then a couple of years ago he meet a woman and with in a month decided to sell his house his business, plus 2 other houses he rented out, and move to Australia, so poor old Pepsie got left behind, but he did her a favourite really as Jessica took her home with her, and she as never looked back tried to work out her age with how long she lived here and how long Steve had her as a kitten, and we think she will be about 11-12yrs now, but to say she lived outside 24/7 when she went to Jessica's she wont go out much, she goes through the cat flap and with in seconds she' back in, as soon as she hears Jessica coming in from work or anything she's there meow, bless her she is so excited to see her, Jessica can't do anything till she as spent abit of time with her first.
4 Feb, 2010
it must be great being a pampered cat carole ;o))
thanx Gee he is so at home and loves everyone :o))
hi carol what a sad story but so glad the cat ended up with jessica and was loved, dont some people make you sick though, why get a pet if you dont really want one, happy ending though :o))
ive got home and first thing i did was feed casper them have a good play and run about with him, now he is sleeping in front of the fire bless ;o))
4 Feb, 2010
Just finding your photo's Sandra....lovely that you have found a new puss. He certainly looks happy in his new home. I'm sure when he goes out he'll take his time sussing all his ways home and escape routes if needed! They're not daft, and know where they are well off!
4 Feb, 2010
thanx potty and that makes me feel better :o)) he`s lay flat out in front of fire at the moment lol
4 Feb, 2010
Well,he has truly got his paws under the table now Sandra ! Lol
4 Feb, 2010
first day back at work ray, but home for lunch, so made sure i gave him 10 mins of playtime and a cuddle, then when i got home tonight a cuddle some dinner and a lot of fun playing and chasing round the loung lol, im worn out now :o))
4 Feb, 2010
And that was just Baz !! What about Casper ??? LOL
4 Feb, 2010
lol ray ;o)))
4 Feb, 2010
He looks as if he`s been with you all his life Sandra, he certainly looks at home. :o)
6 Feb, 2010
doesnt he just sandra, he is a pleasure to have around, full of fun and loves his mum to lol,keeps sneeking into bed with me to ;o))
6 Feb, 2010
A picture of contentment. I think he's fallen on his feet :-)
7 Feb, 2010
i think your right dawn lol :o))
7 Feb, 2010
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AAAaaaaaawwwww look@him hes so Happy San :) Is that Blanky new? :)
3 Feb, 2010