By Toto
- 4 Feb, 2010
Comments on this photo
I agree,He is lovely...
4 Feb, 2010
I do like his hairstyle, bless him :)
4 Feb, 2010
He is sooooo lovely and sweet, what a little darling he is.
4 Feb, 2010
LOL...oh my love this one..he is so jazzed out looking..look at those tiny little hooves..oh
4 Feb, 2010
~he's lovely!
4 Feb, 2010
Thank you everyone. He certainly is a lovely little fellow.
5 Feb, 2010
Lovely face and love the colour of his coat.
8 Feb, 2010
This is his winter coat. He/she has her summer one in the wardrobe.
8 Feb, 2010
Of course us horses always change and believe in variety you know, I too am a horse haha.but true : O )
8 Feb, 2010
What, a clothes horse?
8 Feb, 2010
He he if you like, as it was the wooden horse year I was born under.
8 Feb, 2010
LOvely little pony.....Ginger from black beauty????
9 Feb, 2010
Thanks Lindak.
9 Feb, 2010
He's cute reminds me of the Thelwell cartoon pony!
15 Feb, 2010
Thanks Sue, I agree with you.
15 Feb, 2010
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What a Sweet Little Shetland Toto :)
4 Feb, 2010