Tomato seeds
By Catfinch

4 Feb, 2010
Here is my mini seed starter setup.....I have a heating pad between two trays and the seeds in egg cartons with a piece of Christmas Plastic wrap over the top to hold in the warmth as I switch the temp to low and keep things warming up nicely..I feel like I am testing a babies bottle again!
Comments on this photo
I think my mom used them too...never have not thought of using a foreign idea to buy seed starting trays I finally did buy not so awfully long ago..but now do not have anymore...makeshift with the egg cartons is still fun...and they are biodegradeable too!
4 Feb, 2010
looking snug in there Cat..
5 Feb, 2010
That looks clever and cosy :o)
5 Feb, 2010
Thanks...will watched seeds sprout? lol
5 Feb, 2010
Wow! What a cosy seed-bed for your toms - I like it!! :-))
5 Feb, 2010
David... :)
6 Feb, 2010
Cool ;-) Spent today setting up my new heated propagator, but didn't have time to actually sow any seeds in it lol, but VERY exciting all the same x-)
6 Feb, 2010
Good luck with seeds...
10 Feb, 2010
My Tomato seeds have begun to sprout! Do you feed yours at some point Clarice?
10 Feb, 2010
we feed ours as soon as they get there second set of leaves Cat...we have a few up too..;-))
10 Feb, 2010
Cat i do same as Sandra, so i must be doing it right :o))
11 Feb, 2010
This looks really neat Cat....and they've already on!!
11 Feb, 2010
So cool! Us getting to do this together and here I am 7000 miles away! for the info on feeding Sandra and love this..
Thanks Janey... :)
11 Feb, 2010
i was just thinking that Cat...7000 miles away..he he he
hang on a mo Clarice.....Julian says i'm wrong...sorry....well sort of...he feeds them a week solution when the next set of leaves come just to make them tough little buggers when we pot them up......and then NOT AT ALL untill they set the first fruits, or they will get too leafy...
11 Feb, 2010
Thanks for that Sandra, i've done mine before like you, so will try it Julians way,as i've only been doing tomatoes this last couple of years, so thanks for letting me know i was doing it wrong.
12 Feb, 2010
ok I thought I would give them a very light solution..will miracle grow work?
lol..I do love this.. :)
12 Feb, 2010
Cat i use tomatoe food as its cheaper, infact i feed everything with tomatoe food :o))
13 Feb, 2010
I will have to look for that Clarice..but I do have some Miracle Grow still..
I used to get those pellets called Osmicote..but it is so expensive..was good for the indoor husband liked it..
13 Feb, 2010
If you only have miracle grow i'd use that at first but they do need tomatoe food.
14 Feb, 2010
I will look for some tomato food :o)
14 Feb, 2010
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Oh, Catfinch, I use those egg carton boxes too! :) Good luck with your tomato seeds!
4 Feb, 2010