amaryllis picotee
By Sanbaz

7 Feb, 2010
"i like this amarraaarr "oh" flower thingy"
Comments on this photo
How is Casper settling now?
7 Feb, 2010
lol Gee i keep my eye on him, dont trust him one bit haha ;o)
he is settled in great Drc, he now officially owns us and the house lol
7 Feb, 2010
Thats so good to hear Sanbaz he knows 'your place' - just as it should be lol, enjoy. My Guy was very mopey for the last few day while I was in hospital but what a welcome I got yesterday.
7 Feb, 2010
aww thats lovely, hope your ok Drc, are you getting lots of tlc ;o))
7 Feb, 2010
Its the same problem 'Pericarditis' just keeps recurring, the pain is awful. So I cannot move much at the moment. I find short spells on here keep me sane lol.
7 Feb, 2010
im so sorry D, hope your soon feeling better, yes it does help to come on here and at least see something bright and cheerfull and a natter helps to :o))
we are going to lytham hall close by its the start of the snowdrop walk so should be a nice afternoon, hope to take some pics, just charging the batteries up as they were flat lol, so catch up later, take care x
7 Feb, 2010
Have a great afternoon a snow drop walk sounds lovely.
7 Feb, 2010
"My middle name is 'Curious', don't you know" :-))
7 Feb, 2010
Casper is intrigued San...mmmm....just one nip!...Lol A snowdrop walk sounds wonderful....have a lovely afternoon.....:o)
Hope you're feeling a bit better soon Drc726...XX
7 Feb, 2010
love the pic of the amarlis and Casper pleased to hear how well he's settled in Owns you [like it lol, hope you enjoy the snowdrop walk, look forward to the pics;0)
Drc sorry to hear you are not feeling too well hope things get better for you soon x
7 Feb, 2010
So pleased Casper as settled in so well.
7 Feb, 2010
Love this pic!
7 Feb, 2010
Lovely pic, see he's settling in well
7 Feb, 2010
Great pic.Hope you enjoy your trip and take lots of cheery photos !
Hoping you soon feel better too Drc7.....
7 Feb, 2010
Oh the smell is just divine
7 Feb, 2010
Hello Casper ... Auntie Amy says .. DON'T KNOCK IT OVER ...LOL..
Sorry to hear you haven't been well Drc , and hope you will soon be feeling better .........
7 Feb, 2010
What a geat photo Sandra. :o)
7 Feb, 2010
Excellent photo Sandra. If I had one of those my kitts would soon have it over.
7 Feb, 2010
thanks guys for all your great comments and to late auntie amy lol he has knocked it over hahaha, its fine though,
dawn im sure it would be over with two of them lol, well! no matter cant tell them off can we, :o))
7 Feb, 2010
Hoping you soon feel a lot better, Denise...
Sandra... this is a fab pic... Casper is very photogenic !
7 Feb, 2010
Just knew he would have it over Sandra !
7 Feb, 2010
thanx Terra he`s a bit of a poser lol
lol ray i should have moved it from the table when we got back but forgot, all safe now
7 Feb, 2010
Thanks everyone. Typical Boy Sanbaz!
7 Feb, 2010
yes for sure D, ;o)
7 Feb, 2010
Looks like Casper has settled in well, lovely photo.
8 Feb, 2010
he`s great dotty, moved the plants now hahah
8 Feb, 2010
What a great picture, Sandra! Casper seems to like your flowers!
8 Feb, 2010
thanx uma he loves the flowers but dont trust the little monkey with them lol
8 Feb, 2010
LOL lol
8 Feb, 2010
beautiful pic Sandra..jumped into my fav's
8 Feb, 2010
aww thankyou deida, glad you like it ;o)))
8 Feb, 2010
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'I wonder if this tastes as good as it looks!' :)
7 Feb, 2010