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Deep in thought!

Deep in thought!

Me surveying my land (well, mud at the moment!)....all those ideas buzzing through my brain......The large pile of weeds to the right of the pic was reduced by 6 bag fulls today...perennial weeds and brambles....destined for the "tip"..!!

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That area is taking shape already..
well done..
Is the soil okay ? ..apart from the weeds ?
I guess if the weeds grow well, the soil must be quite good..Lol. :o)

10 Feb, 2010


You have been working hard. Well done :0)

10 Feb, 2010


well done alice, you are braver than me ,its been freezing here today so no allotment for me this week, you got a lot done there,,:o))

10 Feb, 2010


Looks a good size. Any room in your ideas for a small 'Frog' pond ? When I had my allotment, I sunk an old bath into the ground, then added soil, water, oxygenating weed and frogspawn. I like to think they helped keep the slug population down and it was a good place to stop and rest when my back was aching.
I'm really excited for you :-)

10 Feb, 2010


Lovely big area Alice.
Don't forget to pace yourself out there, it'll be difficult not to want to tackle it all at once !

10 Feb, 2010


Looks like you won't be going to the Greengrocers so often! ;o)

10 Feb, 2010


Thank you all......I must be honest and say that the beds you see as "cleared" have only had the top weeds raked off by "that person"....hence the pile of stuff on the right. There are lots of roots to be taken out. also, this is not the arrangement of beds I have will have to be re-hashed....I have it all written down, and plan to mark out the beds next week, depending on the weather. The soil appears to be pretty good but will need has not been properly cultivated for at least 3 years. I have 3 weeks to get it sorted, before I am out of action for a month..I need to be able to plant out stuff at the end of March.

I do have plans for a "frog pond" Muddy...eventually....the whole place resembles a "mud pond" at the

10 Feb, 2010


Its looking great Alice......a good start.....a lot of hard work but will be worth it....and in a couple of months time, full of veggies and flowers.....:o)

10 Feb, 2010


Looking good, soon have your potatoes and veg growing looking forward to seeing photos of them.

11 Feb, 2010


I remember seeing this pic in The garden News,when you did the feature on Broad Beans,Louise...Did'nt realise it was on here till today,..I think I must have been in Hibernation in February...nothing new for me then!!

31 Mar, 2010


Blame your laptop Sandra !!

31 Mar, 2010

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