So Tired!
By Dawnsaunt

14 Feb, 2010
The kittens run around most of the time play fighting but when its time for a nap, they lie together.
Comments on this photo
Funny Maureen, arent they. Roxy is just using him as a body pillow.
14 Feb, 2010
That does NOT look comfy !!!!
Very cute though :-)))
14 Feb, 2010
hahah so funny dawn and so cute ;o))
14 Feb, 2010
Absolutely wonderful. Great to know that they really are good friends.
14 Feb, 2010
14 Feb, 2010
They're almost like Siamese twins.
14 Feb, 2010
14 Feb, 2010
lol sleep anywhere
14 Feb, 2010
How adorable!
15 Feb, 2010
I thought Siamese twins, too! What a lot of legs :)
15 Feb, 2010
A Fab Photo of your Kittens Dawn :)
15 Feb, 2010
That remines me of Smokey, when i fetched him home i also fetched his brother Bandit aswell they where only 6wks old and right up till Bandit died of bowel cancer aswell like Smokey as got, 4yrs ago they use to do everything together, poor Smokey really did miss Bandit, all he did for about 2-3wks was go round meowing in the house outside aswell, he was so down i took him to vets as he even went of his food for days.
15 Feb, 2010
Ahh so cute together.....
15 Feb, 2010
Thanks everyone.
Clarice - how sad to hear that Smokey missed Bandit so much, poor Smokey.
I hope these 2 stay close. Ronnie does seem to look out for Roxy, if she meows he goes to investigate. I just hope he doesnt bully her when he gets older.
15 Feb, 2010
Just having another peek at these two! You're so lucky to have them and they are so lucky to have you! :~)).
15 Feb, 2010
Thanks Skillen, that's really nice of you to say that. They are very nice, as soon as you touch them they purr and never pull away when you pick them up.
15 Feb, 2010
Aww, I know what you mean Dawnsaunt, you only have to go near Felix and he starts purring, I love that :~)).
15 Feb, 2010
Is this Felix on your Avatar Skillen? Bless. Its so nice when they are happy, fussy and friendly.
15 Feb, 2010
Yes that's Felix only now he's bigger and badder- lol. I also have Milli, she's a sweet wee thing, very affectionate, we got her to keep Felix company after our lovely grey cat Oscar died. They are all rescue cats - love them to bits! :~)).
15 Feb, 2010
They all sound lovely Skillen. I lost my old cat Jess aged 17 in January and now we have these two, they've helped me alot.
15 Feb, 2010
That is sad, I'm sorry about that. It's so heartbreaking no matter what age an animal is isn't it. As they say 'its better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all' (i think that's the saying!). Animals are so worth it I feel, when you think of the joy and love you get from them. You have done the right thing there Dawnsaunt - just think of the years of happiness you will get from those two cuties. And... what great company for Bonnie! lol.
15 Feb, 2010
You must miss Oscar so much too Skillen. Your right though, its so sad when we lose them but the happiness they bring over the years is amazing. I know Ronnie and Roxy can't replace Jess but they are great and the home wasnt the same without a cat.
15 Feb, 2010
Enjoy :~)).
15 Feb, 2010
Lovely babies, and the best of friends..........:o)
16 Feb, 2010
Thanks Janey
16 Feb, 2010
hi Dawn....Jane here.Lovely cosy pic.Hard to see where one starts and the other ends ! Lol
17 Feb, 2010
Hello Jane, nice to see you, so to speak.
Yes, kitty heaven.
17 Feb, 2010
: o)
17 Feb, 2010
They are so cute, Dawnsaunt! Love them...
20 Feb, 2010
Thanks Uma - they are so friendly too which is just great.
20 Feb, 2010
Dawn they are so gorgeously cute .... I know they can never replace Jess but they have filled a gap in your heart .. :o)))
20 Feb, 2010
You're exactly right Amy :-)
20 Feb, 2010
The kittens get on well together by the looks of it. They are beautiful.
27 Feb, 2010
Thanks Lin. Ronnie was castrated on Thursday and when he came back from the vets Roxy hated him - she was hissing and growling, its taken her 2 days to be normal with him - must be the smell from the operation or something. It was worrying as they've always loved each other so much.
27 Feb, 2010
I hope he's recovering O.K.Dawn. Yes I expect it was the smell from the drugs from the operation. Perhaps she has a very sensitive nose. My Twinkle has.....If I put perfume on she won't come near me. I've never had a cat like that before Dawn.
28 Feb, 2010
Oh no! I hope everything will be ok Dawn, how's things today?
28 Feb, 2010
Hi Linda/Skillen. Its taken 2 days but they are back to normal with each other again now. It was horrible, so upsetting to see her treat him like she'd never seen him before and of course, he didnt understand. I think once he started to lick himself he regained his old smell. He's been fine, no problem at all. She gets spayed in 4 weeks time - I hope the same scenario dosent happen.
28 Feb, 2010
Glad their ok Dawn, at least you'll know next time if it happens all will be well!:~))
28 Feb, 2010
That's a good point Skillen, thank you.
28 Feb, 2010
I have been looking at the pet Pic's on GOY and came across your Photo. Do they sleep like that now?, how sweet they both look!
5 Mar, 2011
Hi Teds, they are such nice cats :-) No, they dont sleep together now but they are still close and Ronnie tends to protect Roxy :-)
5 Mar, 2011
Hope her little op goes well. Twinkle died just after Christmas with kidney failure but we had adopted another little cat called Dusty who is 3. She was very timid and would hide at any sound or us just moving about, but she has improved very well and is just beginning to rub around our legs. That has taken nearly 5 weeks to happen though.
6 Mar, 2011
Hi Linda, yes her op went ok. She lay on my heated propagator afterwards lol, that was a year ago now. So sorry to hear about Twinkle, my Jess also died of kidney failure Jan 2010 :-( she was 17.
Im sure Dusty will be fine in time, she's lucky to have you looking after her, they have to learn to trust you dont they.
6 Mar, 2011
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Ha ha ha ha ha I love it Dawn How cute.......
14 Feb, 2010