More Snow
By Dawnsaunt

20 Feb, 2010
We woke up to heavy snow falls yesterday. Here are some of my silver birch snow-laden.
Comments on this photo
Hi Yorkshire - we got about 3 inches but the roads were OK, that's the main thing.
20 Feb, 2010
glad to hear the roads were o.k. we have been lucky here just a slight shower thursday but apparently more forcast for tomorrow.
20 Feb, 2010
Your trees look beautiful Dawn!
20 Feb, 2010
Hope you dont get too much - when is it going to end.
After I read your comment, I've just looked on MetCheck and heavy snow is forecast for in the night here too :-(
20 Feb, 2010
Thanks Alice - did you spot Bonnie foraging around.
20 Feb, 2010
i have just checked the weather Dawn, looks like we are really in for it tomorrow.
20 Feb, 2010
Do you think we will ever garden again, lol. It seem so long ago now.
20 Feb, 2010
we went in the garden yesterday to cut up some bushes we had removed, not out long as my fingers had gone numb with the cold.we just want to get out and start but I don't like the cold.
20 Feb, 2010
A mild February is a bad omen, according to flolk lore, as is often followed by a cold frosty May. Our February's are milder than before,
20 Feb, 2010
Beautiful photo, Dawn. Sorry you've had more snow, it does seem to be a recurring problem this year!
20 Feb, 2010
I'm the same Yorkshire, I cant enjoy working outside if its very cold.
We dont want a mild Feb if that's the case then Sixpence. Frosts in May are devastating for the plants, arent they.
You havent had any more then Gee.
20 Feb, 2010
Hi Dawnsaunt! what a lovely photo! You had quite a fall of snow there didn't ya?! It's still just the permafrost here in Carnoustie! I am very envious of your lovely woodland and wildlife pond! Birches are so lovely aren't they? I love the downy birches that grow wild in scottish highlands, they are small enough to be cute and from a distance all you see is the dark red colour of the new branches. I have three jacquemontii in the garden here which will be lovely when they have matured a bit. But to have a real woodland and pond.....ah....heavenly!
20 Feb, 2010
Hello Karen. Glad you like the pic. Your Jacquemontii birch sound very nice, mine are mostly just the common Betula Pendula but are one of my favourite native trees. Its is nice walking through my little woodland with Bonnie, we have a mown path that weaves amongst them so I can see them all as I walk.
20 Feb, 2010
Very beautiful photo, Dawn!
20 Feb, 2010
It looks nice but as you know i hate the stuff, they have given it for us tonight, just hope in the morning its gone, like it normaly does.
20 Feb, 2010
O M G Dawn poor you........But it does make a lovely photo.....
20 Feb, 2010
similar picture here today Dawn..then the sun shone all day and most gone.More forecast for tonight though ! : 0 (
20 Feb, 2010
stunning pic dawn, even though its a pain ;o)
20 Feb, 2010
Agree San...looks stunning outlining the trees !
20 Feb, 2010
if i were there i would lay down looking up through the trees jane, i love fresh snow lol, im not wierd really haahah
20 Feb, 2010
wow , beautiful photo
20 Feb, 2010
Noo San Lol ! Find the best thing about newly laid snow is checking at the top of the garden and looking for new tracks.Think we had a fox visit once...there again it could have been a stray dog ! Lol
20 Feb, 2010
What a beautiful picture Dawn, i see Bonnie's checking out what's been going on there !!!
20 Feb, 2010
Bb, stray kittens, stray dogs .... what's going on there ? !!! ;-)
You need to open an animal sanctuary and rescue them all :-))))
20 Feb, 2010
would be great a fox jane, we have them walking around at night down the street, ive been lucky enough to see them when ive glimpsed out the window if i havent been able to sleep, come looking for food i guess, dont see many stary dogs these days thankfully,i always use to feel sorry for them being left out
20 Feb, 2010
Now theres an idea Louise ! : o )
20 Feb, 2010
Winter wonderland again..looks if Bonnie is having a great time..lovely pic Dawn x
20 Feb, 2010
No San...never seen a stray dog since living guess it must have been a fox ! How lucky you are to be able to watch them coming and going !
20 Feb, 2010
we live in rural village and surrounded by fields so we get lots of foxes, rabbits, hedgehogs, ducks, allsorts about, love to watch the bunnies in summer when i drive to work, hop hop hopping in the fields
20 Feb, 2010
How wonderful for you San...similar to us......on the drive to work through woodland lanes...often see deer and even hares too !
20 Feb, 2010
lucky you having deers, not got them here, would probably have to head to the lakes to see them, think thats the closest place.
20 Feb, 2010
The Birches look so beautiful Dawn , a real winter wonderland :o))
20 Feb, 2010
we didnt for once get the snow that they forecast. fingers crossed for tomorrow.
20 Feb, 2010
dont like snow but your trees look lovely in it....
20 Feb, 2010
Sbg..WE DID ! Lol
20 Feb, 2010
Thanks everyone.
Sandra: Feel free to come down to lie amongst the trees - that's just fine.
20 Feb, 2010
I did Dawn.....a lovely focal point for the pic!!
20 Feb, 2010
Thanks Alice :-)
20 Feb, 2010
Wow that looks amazing Dawn looks just like a christmas card.
20 Feb, 2010
What a stunning picture, you have a forest, how lovely for you.
21 Feb, 2010
Thanks Kathy/Dotty: It's snowing heavy again at the moment.
21 Feb, 2010
snow here today dawn, even though its not big flakes its settled :o( i need sunshine lol
21 Feb, 2010
LOL San !
I need sunshine too !!!
We've got it but it's struggling to break through the masses of rain cloud that's up there :-/
21 Feb, 2010
louise i think thats why ours is fine cause of rain cloud to, but there is quite alot on ground, there goes my plans for garden today anyway,, boohoo
21 Feb, 2010
Looks stunning Dawn....same at ours 2day......March next Sunday though...:o)
21 Feb, 2010
Snowing really heavy here too :- (
21 Feb, 2010
march winds will blow and we shall have snow,,, :o(
21 Feb, 2010
Oh no not in march too, haven't had any really windy weather though have we? maybe thats what we'll get next :-((((((((((((
21 Feb, 2010
yes im surprised we havent had gails here in blackpool as its know for it simbad, lets hope the rhyme is wrong lol
21 Feb, 2010
San, we get battered by awful gales here too, spring and autumn being the worst ..... i hate them :-(((
21 Feb, 2010
Looks like we're all suffering with this retched weather again.
That's right Sandra: March Winds and April Showers - I hate the winds as they can do so much damage.
I've just been on the Met Office website and I cant believe my eyes - heavy snow for Tuesday and Wed and light snow tomorrow.
Going to move to Somerset with you Louise.
21 Feb, 2010
louise same as us then, autumn is bad when the lights start in blackpool, would rather this cold than gails any day.dawn think i will come to, all meet at louise`s lol
21 Feb, 2010
LOL Dawn and San .... good idea - it's less severe here :-))))
I cut the grass here today and that's all i'll say lest Wagger raps my knuckles again ;-)
You're all welcome anytime .... 'come on down' !!!
21 Feb, 2010
thin k my gras is going to snap off itself with this frost and snowy weather, save me a job wont it lol, im packing now louise ahhaah
21 Feb, 2010
See you in a few hours San :-))))))
21 Feb, 2010
get the kettle on louise :o)))
21 Feb, 2010
I'll get the gardening gloves ready too ;-)
21 Feb, 2010
lol louise,, okidoki ;o))
21 Feb, 2010
Wait for meeee!
Have you really mown the lawn Louise - I'm so envious! I want to smell, fresh mown grass.
21 Feb, 2010
Yup, did it just after lunch, Dawn !
I think that smell has to be the Number 1 best smell in the gardening world
21 Feb, 2010
me to , i love the smell, ummm :o)
21 Feb, 2010
Lovely picture Dawn. sorry you've got all this white stuff, but it does make for stunning photos.
21 Feb, 2010
Thanks Dr Bob.
Louise, you are making me turn the colour of your grass. I agree, fab smell - wouldnt an air freshner of 'mown grass' fragrance be great.
22 Feb, 2010
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unbelievable the amount of snow, very pretty though
20 Feb, 2010