Home-made Crisps
By Amy

15 Feb, 2010
For you people who have your own potato's ( or even if you don't )
Slice the potatoes wafer-thin using a mandoline , wash under cold running water to remove excess starch and pat dry with kitchen paper or a tea towel ........
Heat the deep oil , pref. a deep fat fryer to about 160' add the pototoes fry until brown , remove ,put on kitchen paper , sprinkle with salt or black pepper ..
Comments on this photo
LOL.. funny you should say that , they've gone !!
15 Feb, 2010
They look great Amy........ there making me feel hungry..lol
15 Feb, 2010
I can remember Fanny Craddock making home made crisps! They look delicious
15 Feb, 2010
My mum used to make crisps and toffee, being a typically ungrateful child, I preferred shop bought. Not now though, these look delicious:-)
15 Feb, 2010
yummy amy :o))
15 Feb, 2010
Thanks girls , they are delicious nice and crunchy , and you get so many from just 1 potato , i'm afraid they didn't last very long at all ...
I use to make Toffee as well Bornagain , I prefer chocolate now ..lol.....
15 Feb, 2010
Ooh...yes please.....haven't had these for years, Ian used to make them when the children were small.........:o)
15 Feb, 2010
I'll be round.
15 Feb, 2010
they look so tasty Amy
15 Feb, 2010
Wow Amy - you're always doing something exciting! They look delicious. Eat your heart out Walkers, lol.
My sloe gin in standing at the moment - until 28th February - after all that daily turning.
Did you hear that Toto - your sloes are almost 'cooked'.
15 Feb, 2010
Oh,how tempting...I am going to see if i have any crisps in the cupboard now,as you have set me off.! I love a crisp sandwich, occasionally,(only plain ones),...yummy..does that sound weird ?.but i might have them neat tonight.lol.Will certainly have a go at making these .....
15 Feb, 2010
They (did) look really scrumptious Amy! You've put me right in the mood for a plate of those.
15 Feb, 2010
I like crisp sandwiches too Bloomer.
15 Feb, 2010
Thanks , Janey you will have to remind Ian as to how good they were he might make some more !
Toto I will make some more specially for you . :o) , they were tasty Eileen ...
We will all be round on the 28Th Dawn , to sample the Sloe Gin ., I will bring the crisps ...LOL...
It's year since I had a crisp sandwich Bloomer , I had forgotten how tasty that is , we only ever like plain crisps can't think why they want to spoil them with silly artificial flavours .....
15 Feb, 2010
Nice one Amy, that's a good plan :-)
I agree, call me old fashoned but plain Ready Salted have to be the best.
15 Feb, 2010
Go On Skillen , treat yourself , Dawn we will all be having a nice crunchy crisp Sandwich tomorrow , !
15 Feb, 2010
Definitely Amy, especially nice with Lurpak spread!
15 Feb, 2010
Have you noticed how they sell giant packets of mixed flavours in the supermarket but only small packets of plain ones ...
15 Feb, 2010
Oh yes , now you're talking Dawn ....LOL...
15 Feb, 2010
They do - Sweet Thai Chilli and all that. We like those ones with the separate salt satchet
15 Feb, 2010
I like those , you can put on as much as you want ..... I can't think what is in some of those flavours , nobody would eat them if they knew !
15 Feb, 2010
Doesnt bare thinking about Amy.
15 Feb, 2010
Kettle chips sweet chilli mmmmmm no artificial flavours ooooh and red sky I am a little addicted to both of these so try not to buy them....but I do:-)
16 Feb, 2010
Glad to see I'm not alone in liking plain crisp sarnies.A good stand by,when you don't know what else to have.Go on Amy,treat yourself today,you know you want to ! :o))
16 Feb, 2010
LOL .. I might just do that Bloomer .. ;o))
Kettle crisps are made near us at Norwich Bornagain , they are nice ones !
16 Feb, 2010
I really need some now:-(
16 Feb, 2010
Oh Alright Bornagain , I give in , I'll go and make you some .O.k will that keep you quiet ..... LOL....
16 Feb, 2010
Probably not Amy, well only while I eat them:-)
16 Feb, 2010
LOL.. :o))
16 Feb, 2010
They look yummy Amy, my mouths watering with you lot talking about crisp butties got to be crisp and coleslaw for me though, but definitely lurpak butter Dawn,lol.
16 Feb, 2010
Thanks Kathy .. well you know how to make a meal of it don't you ...LOL...
16 Feb, 2010
Oh how naughty of you!!! they look so scrummy, (no deep fat fryer any longer), I can even smell them now!!
16 Feb, 2010
Toto to Dawn: message received and understood. Over.
17 Feb, 2010
Dawn to Toto: acknowledgement received ;-). Over.
17 Feb, 2010
We just had home made chips....never thought of making crisps, but so much tastier and cheaper too! Thanks for the idea. :-)
17 Feb, 2010
Brilliant Potty. Did you see Amy's recipe (a couple of months ago) for Leek and Potato soup? I made some, it was delicious
17 Feb, 2010
I did Dawn, and brought the leeks ready then they got used in a casserole. Must have a go, as that is a soup we like.
17 Feb, 2010
I've got some leeks in ..... maybe tomorrow I'll make some too :-)
17 Feb, 2010
Well done Pg ... it's not difficult is it and they taste so good , you have to be careful not to put too many in at once .. . i'm lucky in that I have one of those deep fat fryers set into my work surface ...... Ha ha I did that as well Tony dug some leeks up for me to make soup and I used them for dinner instead , we had Liver and Bacon with the leeks , yummy ,, , Dawn Try not to use your leeks for something else , by the way if you are going into Lidols tomorrow they had some lovely big leeks in there for about 59p , make me wonder why we bother to grow our own .......:o)
17 Feb, 2010
Ha ha Amy, that's where I got mine from yesterday. I often wonder how they can possibly grow them for that price - sacrilege really.
Amy, can I come and live with you. :-) Your lifestyle is grand.
17 Feb, 2010
Good idea Dawn, you can live with Amy and I'll come and live in your house, (with the garden and cats of course)!
17 Feb, 2010
Its a deal Skillen. x
17 Feb, 2010
Just give me an entry date when your ready...... :~)))))))))))x
17 Feb, 2010
OK ;-)
17 Feb, 2010
Oh no .! I want to come to Dawns as well ,with her beautiful lake and Kingfishers ( 'cos i've never seen one ) ..I promise that I will make soup and crisps for you Dawn .....Skillen you can come and help wash-up ...LOL..
17 Feb, 2010
Sorted then Amy. You bring the grub and meet Skillen here. Wrap up warm though, we may have to wait a few hours before the kingfisher appears.
17 Feb, 2010
LOL .. it would be worth it Dawn ... .. I made a nice gooey chocolate cake today I'll bring that along for the wait ... :o))
17 Feb, 2010
Lol indeed Amy....... I don't think so! I think it was ME that asked first and if you remember, Dawn is coming to stay with YOU. Don't you think it would be a bit rude to disappear when you are supposed to be the host? The offer of soup, crisps and gooey chocolate cake is very tempting, but I'll give it a miss on this occasion........ wash up indeed!!! :~)))))))))).
17 Feb, 2010
Mmm skillen you are a spoil-sport .... I won't let you play with me anymore ...LOL...,
17 Feb, 2010
Being a spoil sport is my speciality Amy......lol. Guess what! NP is going to do a picture for me too!! I saw your Elly...... it's brill. :~))))))))))))).
17 Feb, 2010
Really !! that's good news Skillen , what is the picture going to be of ~ an animal ? i'm thrilled with my Elly , i'm sure you will be too :o)))
18 Feb, 2010
I love crisp sarnies too Dawn and Bloomer !...Did anyone see that they sell squirrel flavoured crisps ? Shudder.......
18 Feb, 2010
It,s for my friends birthday Amy, it's a pic of her dog (scottish deerhound) :~)))
18 Feb, 2010
Are you joking Jane ? ..
My grandchildren have been here today they had great fun making these crisps ...
That will be a wonderful gift for your friend Skillen , she will love that :o))
18 Feb, 2010
Squirrel crisps Jane, how horrid, poor Cyril wouldnt be impressed. Stick to the ready salted crisp sarnies.
Amy: My mouth is watering at the thought of your choc cake, yum yum. x
18 Feb, 2010
Aye Dawn...heard of hedgehog ones too....yuk ! Who on earth would be wanting to eat those....................
Amy...sadly..no joke : o (
18 Feb, 2010
How horrible , what's wrong with these people Jane ?
Sorry Dawn , the Grandchildren make a big hole in the chocolate cake today , there might be a few crumbs ..LOL...
18 Feb, 2010
You are the best Grandma ever Amy - the crumbs will be OK for me.
18 Feb, 2010
LOL... :o))
19 Feb, 2010
On the cake baking topic...I decided to make a coffee cake yesterday..what a fiasco,and never done it before.It was supposed to be 6oz of everything,and stupid me only added 3oz each of marg and sugar instead.!Yes,I know they add up to 6,which must have been my thinking too. doh. It was already in the oven when I realised what I had done,as they weren't rising.They wouldn't ,would they? Anyway,ever optimistic,with these 2 flat looking hard things..I have filled and iced them,but drawn the line at decorating them with walnuts..Too expensive to throw away...ha ha.Just be glad,none of you are coming to my house for tea.!
Wonder if the birds will eat it,or will Russell ? not going to mention it,and await his reaction...will let you know the outcome....He loves me,he loves me not :o))
19 Feb, 2010
Oh Bloomer ! how I did laugh just what I needed ... LOL... you made my day ... . I would come to tea it would be worth it for the giggle .. .,
PLease let us know what Russell says , he might not notice ( he is a man )
19 Feb, 2010
Amy,glad I made you laugh,I laughed at myself today too,having the cheek to try and make a silk purse out of a sow's ear! ha ha.He might notice unless he has to go to Dentist for a filling,or worse still,goes to the shed for his wood saw! :o))
you would be welcome anytime Amy,I make a good crisp sarnie,though...
19 Feb, 2010
Thanks Bloomer .. . if I hear the sound of a chainsaw on my way through Yorkshire I'll zoom in to see whats cooking ..LOL...
19 Feb, 2010
Amy,surprise, surprise,...The coffee cake wasn't half as bad as it looked,and not even dry! So no Dentist,and no saw Lol.Russell laughed when I told him,and as he will eat mostly anything,cake wise,he tucked in.I chanced making a chocolate cake yesterday,and it is perfect:o))good job too,as its for my daughters birthday tomorrow and its her favourite.I still decorate it and put only one candle on now (no room for 31)ha ha. ....
22 Feb, 2010
I'm pleased to hear it turned out o.k Bloomer , I did wonder if you could pour hot custard over it and pretend it was a pudding ..LOL... ..
I'm sure your daughter will love the chocolate cake , Wish her a happy birthday from me , .. my daughter is 41 and gosh dosn't that make me feel old , actually I don't feel old but I know I must be ..LOL..
I have a new recipe that I found for choc. cake the grandchildren love it , it has syrup in it and if you put a spot more in than you should it makes it a little gooey , my hubby loves it like that as well ....good luck with the party tomorrow .. :o)
22 Feb, 2010
Thanks Amy,I did wish her a Happy birthday from you.Your choc cake sounds nice,ours was too,.and I gave them the other half to take home.Mine is from a very old Bero book,which was my mum's,and I have had it for 30 years at least.It has carnation milk in it,and is so mmmm.! I was very indulgent and naughty,as I also made a trifle for afters,as haven't made one for ages..choc cake came later on with a cuppa.:o)) So,it was "cholesterol in abundance ".Its only once in a while.,and the pleasure far outweighed the guilt.Lol.
23 Feb, 2010
I'm pleased you had a great party time Bloomer , I like the sound of your cake with the carnation milk in , perhaps you will let me have the recipe some time ! Having said that I have to go and have my B.P and Cholestrol checked on Friday , they are not happy with it ... but then I don't have to eat it myself do I ...:o)
23 Feb, 2010
They look delicious Amy!!
24 Feb, 2010
Thanks Tracy , they are nice :o)
24 Feb, 2010
Have sent you a PM with the recipe ,Amy..
24 Feb, 2010
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they look good enough to eat Amy.
15 Feb, 2010