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Musa Dwarf Cavendish- Pup's.

Musa Dwarf Cavendish- Pup's. (musa dwarf cavendish)

Looks promising!

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Looks encouraging and hopeful, Jen..
Good luck with that one :o)

23 Feb, 2010


Thanks Terra, lovely to see new growth isn't it, I'm so looking forward to the Spring. :o)

23 Feb, 2010


do you leave these on jen or take them and pot for new plants? :o))

23 Feb, 2010


Hi San, it's up to you entirely, you can carefully sever them from the Mother when they're a bit bigger than these and they've started to make their own root system.
You'll need to check, just carefully uncover the soil around the pup to check if it has roots coming from the base, if so then it's ready to cut.
I use my hands to gently tease them away Mum, and a little sharp knife to nip them off making sure that it has some root with it, then pot them up straight away.
Alternatively you can leave them on for a clump effect.
I do a bit of each! :o)

23 Feb, 2010


thanx jen, all learning :o))

23 Feb, 2010


I learnt the hard way, kept snapping them or not getting the root with 'em, grrrr :o)))

23 Feb, 2010


that would be me to jen with you telling me, just been looking at a site jungle plants and a lovely pink bananna plant, lovely :o))

23 Feb, 2010


Careful San, it's a slippery slope...once you start it's even worse than chocolate. ;o)

23 Feb, 2010


lol jen, im amazed how amny there are and some lovely foilage to :o)) not ordered anything yet, see how i go on with my first one lol

23 Feb, 2010


There are hundred's of varieties San, the Hardiest come from places like up in the Himalaya's. I'm imagining your new deck as an Island in a Jungle of Banana's, Palms, Ferns and beautiful of course!

23 Feb, 2010


sounds lovely doesnt it jen lol,defernatly pink lol

23 Feb, 2010


Sweet dreams!

23 Feb, 2010



Musa 'dwarf cavendish' is a very good tasting banana. It's a very commonly grown banana here.

The rule of thumb in California...for bananas grown in the ground is: to cut the pup away from the mother plant at 3 feet/ 1 meter tall...using a flat edge shovel. I've done this many times with 100% success.

24 Feb, 2010


Yes D, It's a yummy one alright, when it's had enough sun to ripen the friut properly! Probably one more month of Summer would be enough, but hey ho this is not so sunny England.
I tend to take my pups a little earlier than you guys, when they're about 18-24 inches. I need to really get them started early, and indoors because we have a very short outdoor growing season.
I mostly have them in pots so that they can be brought in for overwintering. There are some growing in the ground also, those pups are left until they're roughly 3feet tall ...a flat edge're brave!!! I usually use the kitchen knife to seperate those! lol

24 Feb, 2010


mine has arrived jen just unpacked and seems ok, will post a pic later as im just going out, then you can tell me if i should repot it now or wait :o))

24 Feb, 2010


Woooooo she's off ! Can't wait to see the new baby...Laters! :o)

24 Feb, 2010


hi jen ive put it on my new blog and ive also sent msg to seller on ebay about my plant as they addvertise as having several leaves which infact is two, one a bit yellowy but hope it picks up ok, i will wait reply befor leaving feedback lol

24 Feb, 2010


Oh dear, you don't sound too happy with it....going to have a look now.x

24 Feb, 2010


it will be ok but not as addvertised shall i say lol

24 Feb, 2010


I've sent you a pm x

24 Feb, 2010



I have to use a flat edge shovel because I wouldn't be able to get the pups out of the ground otherwise. : > ) It's a challenge and a lot of work to get them out of the ground due to the dense corms/roots.

25 Feb, 2010


Thanks Jen, now I know what you mean by pups, I think ours are too young to have babies!!!
San are you joining me on the slippery slope? it is a long way down, and you can NEVER return lol

25 Feb, 2010

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This photo is of species musa dwarf cavendish.

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