Hellebore 'Harvington Pink' (double)
By Louise1
- 3 Apr, 2010
Comments on this photo
Thanks Clematisa :-)))
3 Apr, 2010
Gorgeous Louise :-)
3 Apr, 2010
Thanks Simbad, these clump up really quickly and make good size plants.
Perhaps they like the thin, poor soil there, good job eh ? !!!
They're in a sunny site too .... they shouldn't really like it there but ..... i guess no-one told them that ;-)
3 Apr, 2010
Funny that - but we all know that plants can't read! It's a beauty. :-))
3 Apr, 2010
It is a beauty, when I saw the thumbnail I thought it was an anemonella.
3 Apr, 2010
Lovely one Louise.
3 Apr, 2010
Thanks Spritz, Ag and Dd :-))
4 Apr, 2010
Lovely colour Louise :)))
4 Apr, 2010
What a beauty!
4 Apr, 2010
Thanks Grindle and Wagger :)
4 Apr, 2010
Just seen this....how lovely and dainty these blooms are :-)
20 Apr, 2010
Love these...
20 Apr, 2010
Thanks Aa and Motinot, the flowers just seem to go on and on, they keep on coming and last forever ....... !
20 Apr, 2010
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View photos by Louise1
This photo is of species Hellebore orientalis.
This photo is of "Hellebore 'Harvington Double Pink'" in Louise1's garden
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Very pretty Louise.
3 Apr, 2010