Baby,Pieris,Forest Flame.
By Bloomer
- 26 Apr, 2010
This was a layered cutting,off the previous one,and is now as big as "Mummy"or "Daddy"
Comments on this photo
Cheers,Us yorkshire folk must think alike.:o))
26 Apr, 2010
I think so Bloomer
26 Apr, 2010
very nice i lkie your pot of Bamboo...........
26 Apr, 2010
Thanks Holly.I have had this Bamboo,quite a few years now...and waiting for it to crack the pot,as it feels solid Think I should have split it this you think its too late? Its a nice slow grower too.
26 Apr, 2010
not sure Bloomer..... but its still early so i suppose you could.... if you can get it out of its
28 Apr, 2010
Bamboo in pots from
In containers, bamboo is your prisoner - have some humanity. Use slow release fertiliser including trace elements. In growing weather, liquid seaweed is a good tonic. Spring is when the fast growing, new shoots of Running Bamboo emerge. Summer is shooting time for Clumping Bamboo. Bamboo is a grass so, use a slow release fertilizer for foliage plants. 'Osmocote Plus' is good, the 'plus' stands for trace elements, these help a lot.
Feed a small amount often rather than a lot at once.
In fact never feed a lot, It burns the bamboo and leaches into the water-ways where lots from lots of people makes water bad
Because growth is rapid bamboo should be fed regularly. In pots bamboo needs watering more often than other plants. The root zone should be kept moist but not wet
What about repotting your bamboo
When your pot is just full of roots and it takes forever to water and its never enough, it's probably re-potting time. You can divide the plant at this time. Just saw the root-ball with a hand saw.
The first concern is to keep the roots moist while work is underway.
1st. Soak the root-ball in water for a few hours. This will fully hydrate the bamboo.
- Saw off the bottom 10% of the root-ball. This will encourage new growth.
You can saw off some of the side roots if required to fit into the new pot.
- Ensure good drainage through the drainage holes in the new container.
- Use a premium grade potting mix. To buffer the bamboo against drying out you can include a 30 mm layer of hydrated, water crystals mixed with potting mix around 50 mm from the bottom of the pot.
Make sure you soak the crystals prior to use. Incorporate slow release fertiliser into the soil.
- Top dress with a little pelletised chicken manure and water well. Water well again after a few hours and on the following few days.
28 Apr, 2010
Thanks Scotgran,.I will probably have a go next week,as Russell is on Holiday,and it will definitely be a two handed job..or mavbe the whole street Lol.
It has been potted on before,but a few years ago,so I know the compost is exhausted now..Thanks for the advice,and will let you know how I,(we) go on...
29 Apr, 2010
I dread to think how it would travel if you put it in the ground.I believe some of them can be thugs.
29 Apr, 2010
This one is a clump forming variety,and slow growing,but it would probably romp away more,if in the ground,so when we split it,they will still be in large pots.It must have been in its present pot,at least 4 or 5 years,and I was able to take some compost out,and refresh it,but not any more,hence the move...
29 Apr, 2010
It will be good to see it refreshed
29 Apr, 2010
Lovely border Bloomer
1 May, 2010
1 May, 2010
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26 Apr, 2010