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Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost'


By Gee19

Brunnera macrophylla 'Jack Frost' (Brunnera macrophylla (Brunnera))

There was a farmer's market in the village last weekend and I bought this little Jack Frost plant that I had been admiring when posted by other GoYers :)

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well done Gee, glad you got one ;o))

10 May, 2010


I had to get one as well Gee after seeing Sans , :o))

11 May, 2010


they are lovely arent they amy, mine quite big now and two lovely stems of flowers ;o)

11 May, 2010


I love mine San . I was lucky it had some flowers on it when I bought it ..:o)

11 May, 2010


Mine's nearly disappeared - the slugs have had a field day :-(((

11 May, 2010


yes you were amy i had to wait till this year for flowers ;o) but worth it
oh no wagger so sorry, hope it comes back next time bigger and better ;o)

11 May, 2010


I think I might grow mine in a pot if slugs are a problem! Copper tape, vaseline etc at the ready :)

13 May, 2010


guess im lucky no problem here, i was horified to find one snail the other day lol, it went on a flying lesson ;o))

13 May, 2010


He'll be back, Sandra - may take a while but he'll be back! Cambridge biologist Annie Forster claims to have discovered a 'significant homing instinct' after an experiment which involved marking 60 snails with Tippex and throwing them over a garden fence.

She found that many of the creatures returned to the same spot - even without a trail to follow.

'I went out on successive evenings with a torch and counted how many came back,' said Mrs Forster. 'We started this at the end of May, just as a bit of fun really, and by August 3 I found that about 60 per cent had returned.'

'When one considers the damage caused by the lobbing, the being eaten by hedgehogs and birds on the exposed towpath and the crunching underfoot by early-morning joggers, this suggests a significant homing instinct instinct, term used generally to indicate an innate tendency to action, or pattern of behavior, elicited by specific stimuli and fulfilling vital needs of an organism. ,' she told Radio 4's Today programme.

You're fighting a losing battle, my friend. :-))

13 May, 2010


thanx for info wagger but i cant tread on one , think i would be sick lol, so maybe the green bin haha

13 May, 2010


I've tried that -- ok for one or two but if you put too many in they just all climb up and push the lid open!

13 May, 2010


lol wagger, well i hope i dont get many, i havent in last year or so, maybe it was the froggy and toad, oh and the hedgehog that kept them out

13 May, 2010


Good luck Gee such an attractive plant hope the slugs dont get it!

15 May, 2010

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