By Sandra

31 May, 2010
Comments on this photo
its mad isnt it...ive just done a blog on it.....:-)
31 May, 2010
31 May, 2010
Beautiful ......
31 May, 2010
Hi Sandra ,stunning fantastic color.
31 May, 2010
I thought it was a cup cake to begin with, its a cracker!!
31 May, 2010
most of the ones ive cut into are green.....i was very surprised.
1 Jun, 2010
This is beautiful Sandra :-)
1 Jun, 2010
Fabulous! That is some kind of cactus plant?
I just gotta have one!
5 Jun, 2010
Ready to put some candles and blown off.What a resticted beauty! amazing.
11 Jun, 2010
i has started to heal now ant the colur has faded.....still looking ok though so im hopeful
13 Jun, 2010
What a great shot! It first appeared to be a fruit cut in half. lol! : >)
26 Jun, 2010
just to up date..this one has survived the chop and now has a circle of pups growing around it...:-)
7 Jun, 2011
That's great! You'll have a whole lot of new little plants.
8 Jun, 2011
its great when it works...:-)
8 Jun, 2011
I can imagine. :>)
10 Jun, 2011
Pictures by sandra
676 of 1048
What else?
This photo was taken at Corseside Nursery.
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WOW! Looks like a pink eye.
31 May, 2010