Clematis"Elsa Spath"
By Bloomer
- 9 Jun, 2010
Comments on this photo
I am having the same problem as some other Goyers,as this is more purple,but looks blue.Did it with new camera,and made no difference..Thanks ,Cinderella..
9 Jun, 2010
9 Jun, 2010
It's frustrating with the colour not showing 'true' Sandra, I have a Clematis which is a raspberry colour yet shows as lilac on here ! : o ( (
9 Jun, 2010
Its gorgeous Sandra!
9 Jun, 2010
pretty. :o)
9 Jun, 2010
Yorkshire...Thank you,its the best its been this year,as the flowers are so prolific
at a lower level ,as it has usually got to the top of the Mesh,before flowering,so still have a lot to look forward to..
Yes,it would be nice to show the correct colour,Shirley.We have tried different ways,in sunshine,cloudy and dull,and times of day,but still shows the same.Oh,well,we can still both enjoy them,and still pretty.:o)
Thanks Sandra,glad you like it...
9 Jun, 2010
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Thats a pretty one
9 Jun, 2010