Entrance to our Pirate Garden 21.6.10
By David

21 Jun, 2010
Hostas, like Heucheras, are favourites with us. Have been dividing the hostas this year. Here can be seen H. "Captain Kirk", H. "Halcyon" and, in the foreground, H. "Lemonade".
Comments on this photo
They are looking very good and healthy ...
22 Jun, 2010
Thank You! Have had hostas in pots, and in the ground for over 10 years, and never found slugs and snails to be a problem, for some reason. These ones, i think, are safe, as they are standing on an area of broken slate roof tiles (very sharp-edged!).
Not to be beaten, however, the little blighters are attacking our home-sown bedding plants instead!!!! If I catch any, they get launched off the end of a very short plank!!!
23 Jun, 2010
LOL... I can see them now sailing away into next doors garden ... :o))
23 Jun, 2010
I could send some to you by snail mail if you like, Amy? LOL!!!
23 Jun, 2010
playing catch up david and your pirate garden is looking amazing, so much colour and well planned, well done to you and the kids ;o))
27 Jun, 2010
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Hosta 'Golden Tiara'
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Looks lovely the hostas look lovely too no snails or slugs either.
22 Jun, 2010