New arch last year ...
By Amy

22 Jun, 2010
I'm still waiting for the roses and Clematis to grow up and over it .
I've put some cup and saucer plants and morning glory to grow up it for this year ...
Comments on this photo
wow,your garden looks wont be long before your rose and clematis are covering your arch,especially with this weather.
22 Jun, 2010
Thanks 6p .. the cup and saucer and morning glory have already started climbing , I will take a pic. when they are all in flower . ;-)
Thanks Suey , the lawn is taking a long time to recover from the scarifying job we did on it earlier in the year but it's getting there .. :o)
22 Jun, 2010
Shall be looking out for it Amy on your pictures :o)
22 Jun, 2010
Your garden is looking fabulous Amy....
22 Jun, 2010
Thanks Jane / Ray ... we can relax a little now that all the plants are out in the garden still can't sit about though .. :o)
22 Jun, 2010
No? Why ever not Amy ? The gardens to enjoy this time of year..with a glass or two of your favourite tipple ! Lol
22 Jun, 2010
It's not me so much as hubby , he's got ants in his pants he can't keep still and then he makes me feel guilty ...LOL...
22 Jun, 2010
Wow....this looks have a fabulous garden could open it for the NGS........then we could come....:o)
22 Jun, 2010
Wow, love this too Amy, your garden is amazing.
22 Jun, 2010
Oh thanks girls , you don't need an excuse you can come anytime you like .. :o)))
22 Jun, 2010
Looks really pretty, wont be long before it is covered with flowers.
22 Jun, 2010
Thanks .. I'm pleased you like it , I shall be happy when it's covered in roses etc. :o)
23 Jun, 2010
Lovely arch, Amy and I bet it will be covered in no time.
23 Jun, 2010
Love the arch and your garden Amy, look forward to seeing a picture when your plants start to climb! is the Cup and Saucer plant a periennial?
23 Jun, 2010
Thanks Gee , i'm sure the plants will soon grow but you know us we can never be patient we want it to happen overnight .......
They aren't Carole I grow them from seed each year they are very prolific they wil probably hide this frame for this summer ...
23 Jun, 2010
I want your arch Amy :-)
24 Jun, 2010
LOL.. . you can't have it Dawn ... :o))
24 Jun, 2010
Spoil Sport x
24 Jun, 2010
24 Jun, 2010
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Looks beautiful and what a wonderful garden you have, the cup and saucer and morning glory will look wonderful, don't for pic when its growing up.
22 Jun, 2010