By Bloomer

28 Jun, 2010
These seeded themselves in the wall,in my long border.
Comments on this photo
Love it when this happens! Whish I had a stone wall like this, it's beautiful! Last week I noticed my m.i.l. has a geranium, a campanula and something else pretty that I can't recall growing in cracks in her wall....amazing! this is really know how I love blue flowers!! :))
28 Jun, 2010
28 Jun, 2010
I love this wall!
28 Jun, 2010
thanks,Michaella,I love it too.It is amazing,Karen,as I tried planting things in it,and no luck at all.Only just room for wind blown seeds,apparently.I love blue flowers,as well,aren't you glad that purple ones show up this colour??:o))
Thanks Cinderella,,helps to break the high wall up nicely.
Mrv...There used to be old garages and all manner of rubbish ,years ago,till it was cleared and built on,although the wall seems to have been there forever. .It was only a wall to me at first,and completely devoid of anything living.,and as I started to plant things,I realised how lovely it was.Funny how you can look at something everyday,and then the beauty of it suddenly kicks in..I can't imagine someone building one like it now,unless it was a conservation area.,although all the houses in our area are stone.....except the new ones..and ours ! ...they are all lookalike"stone".
28 Jun, 2010
Really lovely.
28 Jun, 2010
Wow Sandra it looks fantasic, is it all the same Campanula as the one in the ground looks taller?
28 Jun, 2010
Looks great, i think it's the same one that grows like a weed here, and if you plant it near a wall or anything, it will sort of climb up a couple or so feet, it does look very blue here lol :-)
28 Jun, 2010
Thanks,Jane 21,glad you like it.
Carole,..go to the top of the class Lol.You are right,the lower one is a different one,but grows tall,or spreads out more.This is also in the wall too,but seeded low down. All of these are from my plants.I actually stake the one in the border,or it would spread out too much,but it can have its own way in the wall.:o)
It does look very blue,Ba,but I think its happy really...Lol.All my purple ones look blue.!! Wonder what my Lavender Hidcote will look like ? will try it soon.
28 Jun, 2010
That looks great Sandra!.....don't forget....Mother Nature knows
28 Jun, 2010
She certainly does ,Louise...I'm glad to say :o))
28 Jun, 2010
I know exactly what you mean, Bloomer :) Look forward to seeing more of your wall :)
28 Jun, 2010
This is natural..
29 Jun, 2010
lovely sandra, i really enjoy seeing this growing in wals, so pretty
29 Jun, 2010
Thanks,Bb and gets better every year,and really look forward to it flowering...
29 Jun, 2010
lovely, can this thing grip the wall and creep n climb?
1 Jul, 2010
Thanks,Stevie,It appears so,but it is actually spreading out more each year,than actually climbing.The height is usually the same, and when I pull the dead flowers off,it looks quite small.It is evergreen,so always some foliage on the wall.The bottom one in the pic,is a taller variety,but the same habit as the other ones.
2 Jul, 2010
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absolute beauty....
28 Jun, 2010