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Dahlia "Melody Yellow "


By Janette

Dahlia "Melody Yellow " (Dahlia pinnata (Dahlia))

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Lovely shade of yellow

4 Jul, 2010


Thank is a bit darker ,my camera is no good with never seems to get it right ......

4 Jul, 2010


lovely Janette

4 Jul, 2010



4 Jul, 2010


Love your dahlias Jannette. I have bought a red one with dark red foliage. I have planted it into a large tub. Can I keep it in the tub can someone please advise me on how to keep it in the winter ...thanks

8 Jul, 2010


Thanks Linda ,as a rule I always dig mine up , after the frost blackens their foliage , then leave them to dry out on a bench in the greenhouse then sit them in a little dry compost in a tray , and just keep a check on them for mould ,this year I dont know what happened ,but I lost most of them , but I did leave three mistake.. still in the ground ,well these three managed to survive the winter ,so this year I am going to leave them all ....fingers crossed they survive
I think that if you live far south you,ll be able to get your,s through winter ,but if it,s growing in a pot Id put it in the greenhouse for some protection hope thats of some help ....

11 Jul, 2010


Thanks Janette. I left mine in the ground but they all died, mind you we did have an exceptionally cold and long winter.

12 Jul, 2010

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This photo is of "Dahlia "Melody Yellow "" in Janette's garden

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