Painted Daisy: Chrysanthemum
By Greenthumb

10 Jul, 2010
First of what seems to be a very varied bunch of flower colors. It was unmarked and overgrown, still not in the best shape, but blooming well.
Comments on this photo
Reminds me of a Catherine wheel......lovely fiery colours..........
11 Jul, 2010
Lovely colour GT - ours have a few small blooms on so far but were late in getting planted this year. Were doing well, but we've had torrential rain for the last week & it's destroyed a lot of the blooms. :0)
11 Jul, 2010
Lovely circles of different colours, very pretty.
11 Jul, 2010
TY. :-) I'm getting a great variety of colors, sorry to hear about your rains TCG. I had same situation early this spring from a few hail storms.
12 Jul, 2010
Very pretty .....
14 Jul, 2010
lovely sunny flower.
12 Aug, 2010
Thank you Janette and Lindak. There are many different colors on this one plant, must have had multiple seeds started in one. Its getting huge!
12 Aug, 2010
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Looks like a top down of a fire pit.
10 Jul, 2010