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Hebe 'Louise'

Hebe 'Louise' (Hebe)

I had to give this some winter protection - but it was worth it, to see it flowering again.

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Very pretty....I should really get one of

14 Jul, 2010


As long as you know that she isn't a very hardy lady...

14 Jul, 2010


Not like me eh!!

14 Jul, 2010


And me - especially today. Is your weather being v.v.v. annoying? I wish it would either RAIN..or not. It can't make its mind up!

14 Jul, 2010


Yes it is...we had heavy rain last night....hurrah....but its fizzled out...its still dry 8 inches or so deep.........we shouldn't grumble....but we
I'm wondering if this lovely hebe will like being in a pot...plunged into the border in the summer and brought into the greenhouse to overwinter.....any thoughts?

14 Jul, 2010


It's been on and off all day here - but only 1mm on my gauge. What good is that? I really hope we get some 'proper' rain soon - I still have the hose going!

Yes - that sounds like a good plan for 'Louise'. She isn't a very big Hebe, so she wouldn't need a huge pot, after all!

14 Jul, 2010


Thanks is now nearly 9pm and has been raining steadily.for about an hour..not to hard......hope it stays that way till about 5am thismorning...the garden will enjoy that :-o))

14 Jul, 2010


I wish! I have turned the hose off, but we've only had 2mm of rain altogether since last night. Really not enough! I 'do' hope we get more tonight.

Time for bed. Night-night! xx

14 Jul, 2010


It poured most of the night here...the plants look very happy :-))

15 Jul, 2010


Nope. Again - a sprinkling, and another light shower this morning so far, but the sun keeps poking through, so no 'real' rain again, I fear.

15 Jul, 2010


Yes, I have to agree, this is a very pretty hebe. No more hebes for me though...too tender.

19 Jul, 2010


Some are hardy, Karen...honest! Not all, admittedly......

19 Jul, 2010

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This photo is of "Hebe 'Louise'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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