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Rosa 'Rhapsody in Blue'

Rosa 'Rhapsody in Blue' (Rosa)

Well - here's what I chose to replace the cistus in the middle of a bed. It should 'go' well with the mauves and pinks in the bed!

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I already have English lavender plants and geranium 'Jolly Bee' waiting to go in as well. The cistus is so overwhelming and getting leggy - it 'has' to go!

22 Jul, 2010


Ah, Rhapsody.....what a beauty! Mine has finished it's first flush now but I'm hopeful for more flowers later! What a colour though eh?

22 Jul, 2010


Yes, it is! I saw it at Wisley a few weeks ago, and wasn't all that struck - but when I saw it again today - it decided me. It has lots of buds, Karen - and I didn't know it was the 'rose of the year'!

Have you dared to look at Geranium 'Sirak'? That's the one I was telling you about - seen in an open garden ages ago, ordered from Wisley and didn't arrive...but I stumbled on them today....out will come some to make space for this beauty - I got FIVE of them! :-)))))))

22 Jul, 2010


That is beautiful Spritz......

22 Jul, 2010


Five!!!? Well done you!!

22 Jul, 2010


That was all their stock!

Thanks, Milky - as you read, I've been after this one for ages...:-)))))

22 Jul, 2010


Blimey, good job they didn't have a dozen then!! lol! It's beautiful and you have plenty of room.....once you dig other things out of course! lol

22 Jul, 2010


:-)))))))))))))) More will go if I think of, or see anything else to take their place.

22 Jul, 2010


Oh, I think you will!! That's the fun of gardening isn't it....continually improving them!

22 Jul, 2010


I agree....I'm sure something will occur to me. It's east facing, mostly, where these nuisances are.

22 Jul, 2010


Tricky! I don't have that problem, front faces South East; back North West! It's quite a nice perspective really...only problem is the NE facing long fence with has no sun at all in the winter...but we're getting there.....

22 Jul, 2010


Strangely, that's where my Heleniums are, and they're fine. I don't want any more, though - it'll have to be something that flowers earlier.

22 Jul, 2010


Ah yes, something to bring some spring interest to the then...what could it be? to bed now...will probably wake up thinking about plants, usually do!! Goodnight Barbara...away for weekend, speak next week! x

22 Jul, 2010


Maybe - we have a big family 'do' as from Saturday evening......have a nice w/end. x

22 Jul, 2010


Magic !

22 Jul, 2010


Enjoy! Remember you telling me about it before......lovely! Hope you don't get too exhausted! x....I really am going now.....

22 Jul, 2010


Thank you, Valadel! I surprised myself by falling for it. :-)

Bye Karen! xx

22 Jul, 2010


There is one of these in my dad's garden - beautiful colour. It's done well this year. Like the photo

24 Jul, 2010


Thanks, Mark. I was surprised that I liked it when i saw it again after the Wisley trip, where I wasn't sure about the colour - but I did like it, and now I have it in my garden! :-))

24 Jul, 2010


I bought two of these last year Spritz...they are in bud now for the second time...lovely

28 Jul, 2010


They're doing well, then. That's good to know. :-)))

28 Jul, 2010


This is quite a change in the line of "blue" roses! Most have been a washed out lavender or a muddy "mauve" this one marks a change!

14 Nov, 2010


It was voted 'The Rose of the Year' one year, I understand. It still isn't 'blue', is it?

14 Nov, 2010


Excuse me for coming in on this thread ... I'm currently looking through plant labels I've finally gathered up & have one for 'Rhapsody in Blue' (Frantasia) ... 'A sweetly fragrant shrub rose with iridescent purple flowers' ... voted rose of the year 2003 by the UK's leading rose growers & breeders! Height 5ft. I planted mine in Spring of this year & have had 2 flushes of flowers ... certainly not blue though!

14 Nov, 2010


You don't need to say 'excuse me'...

That seems strange, Shirley. Did you take a photo of the flowers? Were they like mine?

That label fits my rose to a 'T'. I agree that the flowers on mine aren't blue, I'd call them purple, too.

14 Nov, 2010


Spritz ... photo of this on my Garden page 2 ... poor quality but you'll see the form looks different to yours. Mine was a David Austin rose. Take a look & see what you think please ....... also, Karensusan has 2 pics of this rose on her garden page for comparison.

14 Nov, 2010


I think they are ALL genuine ' B.' Shirley! :-)))

14 Nov, 2010

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This photo is of "Rosa 'Rhapsody in Blue'" in Spritzhenry's garden

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