22 Jul, 2010
Another few friends joined this Wasp, after i took this pic. it did
seem as though they were enjoying
themselves, drinking & socialising!
Comments on this photo
These Wasps are not liked very much, by most people...but they are part
of nature, so they do deserve to be here...: ~ ))
22 Jul, 2010
Good Photo you took there. They are welcome to share my garden as long as they stay away from me :o)
24 Jul, 2010
WHen I kept my 2 hives of bees I always kept a large shallow dish near to the hives for them to have a drink. With the weather being dry this year they will be drinking wherever they can. Wasps do a good clean up job in the garden taking small caterpillars and greenfly back to their nest to feed their young with.
25 Jul, 2010
I do agree with you Lk..wasps do serve a purpose in our gardens. `Do you not have your Hives any more then Linda?
Thanks Jackie, i thought you, would say something like that...Barry, told me
how much you love creepy crawlies LOL
27 Jul, 2010
No I kept bees for nearly 30 years and had one hive to start with then as the swarms were collected that came on to the land ended up with two very large hives, one having a double brood chamber. I had to give up keeping them though because Gerry became allergic to the stings. I needed some manpower when honey time came around as the frame sections full of honey weighed a lot and it needed two of us to lift them on to the wheelbarrow to take back across the land to the house.
29 Jul, 2010
That was very interesting reading Linda...such a shame, sounds like, you both used to really enjoy Bee keeping?....Does this mean that when you collected
the Honey, you sometimes got stung doing so?
It funny, that you can suddenly, become Allergic to something just out of the blue..Such a sad outcome, i did not realise that the frames could be that
heavy, just goes to show, you learn something new every day!!
`Did you sell your produce Linda?
29 Jul, 2010
I got 40 or more jars depending on the weather and what sort of summer it was like. If it's a cold and wet summer the bees produced less. I bartered some of the honey for hay and used the honey to cook with instead of sugar. I used the scraped off wax from the combs for making furniture polish and wax candles, when I cut through the sealeant and placed the frames into the extracter then I wound the handle to spin out the honey. The extractor has a tap at the bottom where I opened it up to let out the honey into another container where I let the honey settle for a while then I bottled it and capped it. I didn't get stung very often, but it didn't really affect me much. The bees used to follow us to the house and I had to shut the door quick when we wheelbarrowed the frames back. Some hives can be a bit upperty at certain times of the year, mostly in the autumn when the wasps attack the hive to get to the food inside to take back to feed their young. I used to love going in but made sure that it was a calm sunny day about midday when a lot of the workers were out working the flowers.
30 Jul, 2010
`You certainly live of the land Linda....i do admire you for it. Furniture polish
& wax candles, that is amazing!! I should imagine it`s all in the timing, when
you collect the Honey...you have to beat them to it,it does seem an ideal
time, when they are working the flowers...I did not have any idea, that Wasps
are predators to the Bees, trying to steal their Honey. This is so interesting
Linda, but we do have to excuse the Wasps, if they are just doing it, to feed their young....Nature, is so strange Linda?
3 Aug, 2010
I haven't got the bees now Freesiaperson I had to give up beekeeping because Gerry became allergic to the stings but I still have some furniture polish that I use.
4 Aug, 2010
Yes, Linda, you did mention it...i would really miss the Honey. You cannot beat Honey from your own Hive....Mmmmm I used to have a jar given to me
from a friend i met at Yoga class, it was so yummy!!! I do not see her any more as she moved to France, lucky thing! I used to go round the Supermarket looking for natural Honey,trying several, but not the same though.
I bet your furniture polish, does a good job? You will have to make it last Linda
because after that`s gone, you will have to buy from the shop, of course!!
I have enjoyed our little chat about your Bee`s it is such a shame that you do not have them anymore.....
4 Aug, 2010
great photo fp, not keen on wasps though!!!!!
10 Aug, 2010
Aww! How can you say that Shinobi?...I like these, just as much as
butterflys...God`s little insects : ~ )))
10 Aug, 2010
they sting and i have allergies to many things, lol dont know if i am to wasp stings cause have'nt had one. dont want to find out lol
14 Aug, 2010
I know their stings are painful, i have been stung many a time...they cannot
help stinging, its in their nature, yes, people with Allergies, do have a big problem with Wasps & Bees, or any other Insect that stings..
Its`not their fault just doing what nature intended Shinobi...
14 Aug, 2010
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22 Jul, 2010