First Hollyhocks opened Today from Amy's seeds
By Pansypotter

23 Jul, 2010
And aren't they gorgeous!
Comments on this photo
Fantastic Carole , i'm pleased i'm back in time to see them ... you did a good job there .. :o))
23 Jul, 2010
Really beautiful, well done both of you :)
23 Jul, 2010
Thanks all, they are beautiful!
Amy I gave some plants to Marie next door and she has some wonderful Peachy ones opening, I have lots of smaller ones that are starting to bud so exciting to see what colours they produce;0)
23 Jul, 2010
Wonderful display you ve got there
24 Jul, 2010
Have to agree there lovely.
24 Jul, 2010
quite stunning PP
24 Jul, 2010
Very pretty .....
24 Jul, 2010
Thanks all, do like them very much!
24 Jul, 2010
Beautiful Pansy. :o))
24 Jul, 2010
Thanks Linda;0)
24 Jul, 2010
oh are'nt they pretty Pancy,do you have prob's with slugs and snails eating them?
30 Jul, 2010
Thasnks Nanny I havent upto now the one in the picture is in a large pot but I have others in the borders that havent been attacked, fingers crossed;0)
31 Jul, 2010
i'll cross everything for you pansy LOL
31 Jul, 2010
31 Jul, 2010
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they sure are carole, beautifull
23 Jul, 2010