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Clematis tangutica

Clematis tangutica (Clematis tangutica)

This one is somewhat of a thug - I cut it right back every spring, and it grows up to 10 ft plus each year.

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Lovely, I have it too and certainly is 'rampant', grew mine from seed so have several, the easiest clematis I've ever grown from seed, and a couple even flowered first year.

31 Jul, 2010


I shan't bother growing any!!! To be honest, I find it a problem where it is...there are two more in the garden - they can do what they want to, but the one on OH's workshop gets in the way. :-((

31 Jul, 2010


mine never really took off :o(
I have tried it several times with no luck.

31 Jul, 2010


My goodness! That does surprise me, Sbg. It really is a thug here, to be honest.

31 Jul, 2010


surprised me too :o)))

31 Jul, 2010



1 Aug, 2010


I have this one in my garden. i Igrow it up the arbour. The seed heads are so pretty too. I have felt like diggingit up and planting it by the fence but woory incase i end up losing it, but it does look nice where it is.

13 Aug, 2010


You'd need to dig a huge rootball out, Rohima. They don't seem to like having their roots disturbed, so yes, you might lose it.

13 Aug, 2010

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