Someone's pinched the kneeling pad !
By Louise1

1 Aug, 2010
I was just collecting my bits together ready to plant a few things and when i was ready ..... Maddie had commandeered the kneeling pad !!!
Comments on this photo
1 Aug, 2010
Haha ... they're so funny aren't they? It's almost as if she thinks you put it there for her! She's a pretty little thing.
1 Aug, 2010
they do that dont they haha and if you put a magazine or news paper down they sit on that to
1 Aug, 2010
Agree with fluff, she is so pretty and has claimed you kneeler so hope you dont disturb her lol
1 Aug, 2010
Pp, no - she didn't get disturbed, i knelt on the hard ground whilst she had the comfort ..... cat lovers know this routine soooo well, don't they !!!!!
1 Aug, 2010
Good one Louise .......
1 Aug, 2010
I was about to say" I bet you didn't move her"
I knew it !-- yep we do know the routine ! lol
1 Aug, 2010
Maddie is lovely Louise, her coat is beautiful....:>)
1 Aug, 2010
they steal my pillow every night - they just keep moving closer until they force my head off!
2 Aug, 2010
LOL, we're all the same !!!
Thanks Moti, i have to comb her regularly because her coat's so thick, i used my other halfs comb one day and he's not had it back since ..... she loves to be combed and all the hair that comes out would shock you !!!!!
2 Aug, 2010
Your Maddie is a beauty....Such a pretty cat. They certainly know they always get their own way dont they? :o)))
2 Aug, 2010
it's easy to see why the Egyptians worshipped cats - and we still do, unofficially!
Do you add the shed hair to your composter? it's supposed to be recyclable, as is human hair - I did hear of some people, years ago, that took people's pet hair and spun and weaved it into fabric
just googled "pet hair spinning" and found this, it might be interesting:
eHow has a piece on how to make a blanket from dog hair, I presume it'd work with cat hair, too
11 Jun, 2011
Fran, i get SO much hair out of her and i put it up onto shrubs and old bird feeders (i stole this idea from a friend!) because birds will use it for nesting material !
11 Jun, 2011
smiles, I'd read that too and I am still trying to get the nerve to ask my local hairdresser to save their sweepings - don't know if they'd believe me if i told them waht I wanted it for
11 Jun, 2011
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LOL cats will be cats.....beautiful Maddie
1 Aug, 2010