Abutilon Megapotamicum
By Amy
- 10 Aug, 2010
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This has been flowering for weeks Janette , I didn't think to take a photo before ! it's on a nice sunny wall , it was new in the spring as my last one died in the same place due to the winter frost , it's a replacement , is your new ?
10 Aug, 2010
No mine is about three years now Amy I was suprised to see it had survived the winter ,thought it might have gone like a lot of other things, was going to pull it up ,but decided to leave it see what happened ,then it,s little leaves started to bud a month or so ago ,but no sign of any flower bud,s maybe it,s suffering for shock ...Its growing on a south facing wall.
10 Aug, 2010
I think you could be right Janette , it survived but is going to take time to get over it , every year I had been putting a plastic sheet up in front of my last one to protect it in the winter , last year I took notice of people saying don't bother because they can stand the frost , I wish I hadn't taken notice of them thats why I lost it .... I will protect this one this year , perhaps yours will have recovered by next year .. :o)
10 Aug, 2010
Now this is georgous Amy ...:o)))
10 Aug, 2010
Thanks Mushy :o)
10 Aug, 2010
Lovely close up they are a beautiful flower.
10 Aug, 2010
Mine flowered about six weeks ago, then stopped completely. Now it's budding up again!! Crazy weather, confusing everything i suppose!!!
13 Aug, 2010
Thanks 6p they are beautiful...
You're right about the weather Andy , it's been pouring down here today , such a shame for the Airshow at Lowestoft , we were able to see one or two of the planes flying over us yesterday , but not today ! ......
13 Aug, 2010
Lol, I went to RAF Marham on Thursday because they were displaying there for the servicemen and their families. All the Lowestoft planes displayed there first, and some stayed overnight. I stood right at the end of the runway.....when the Vulcan landed right over me, i thought my head was going to explode!!
But I got VERY wet !
14 Aug, 2010
I saw that in the EDP Andrew , you couldn't have had a better position at the end of the runway , I bet your ears are still ringing ...LOL...
We saw the Vulcan on our way home that Thursday evening and then on the first day of the show the Lancaster/ Spitfire and Hurricane came over our house ....
I will send you a PM ...
14 Aug, 2010
We used to see the Vulcan on the I.O.W many years ago flying over Bembridge airport. They used to have an airshow and the round the Island flying race for small craft. The red arrows used to come over too. We used to sit on the top of Culver Cliff and look down on the all.
17 Aug, 2010
ps Nice plant.
17 Aug, 2010
That sounds good Linda a perfect spot to sit and watch on the cliffs .. thats what they do at Lowestoft It feels odd when you look down at planes :o))
17 Aug, 2010
I have this plant in my garden and it is doing really well. It has been blooming since june at least and seems to be really happy. However i am not sure how i am to support it as it is at least 6ft and is all long thin branches. Is there any way that i can help shape it. Also any tips for caring for this plant would be great.
Thanx muchly
17 Aug, 2010
Your plant is doing great Lilz , mine is growing on a wall in which I put ringlets to tie the plant to as it get higher , if yours isn't on a wall and is free standing perhaps you need a good stout pole next to it to and then use some tree ties to support it ... i'm afraid mine is new so I've no idea about how to shape them , I would imagine the best thing to do is to wait until winter and then trim it in the shape you would like it to be ... sorry i'm not much help .
18 Aug, 2010
I used to have one in a pot and trim it in the winter and it also went into the greenhouse that was kept just above freezing.
18 Aug, 2010
Thanks Lindak , so trimmimg in the winter would seem to be alright for it then ?
18 Aug, 2010
Well I used to Amy and try to take a few cuttings now as well, so that they are rooted by the winter and place them indoors. Worth a try eh!!!!
19 Aug, 2010
Right thanks Linda , I will do that :o))
19 Aug, 2010
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Your Abutilon,is way in front of mine Amy ,I dont even have any buds on mine ....
10 Aug, 2010