The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Thornless Blackberry


By Crissue

Thornless Blackberry

Just a small section of the bush

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ah nice, I too have a thornless one, had a few the other days and were full of flavor

12 Aug, 2010


Looking Good Crissue!

12 Aug, 2010


Thanks Stevie....Pip....I haven't had any yet, but I am hoping to make Blackberry and Apple Jam, with my pick this year fingers x there will be enough.

12 Aug, 2010


Good luck with the jam!

12 Aug, 2010


One of my favourite jams, you can't beat it for flavour

18 Aug, 2010


Hi everyone.....Just an update on the Blackberries.....I have made Bramble Jelly, with the first good pick.....and I picked another load yesterday evening, and this time, I will make Blackberry & Apple the way the Bramble Jelly is delicious.....there are enough Blackberries coming along now, to do one more pick I a good year....and natural fruit...can't beat that...

10 Sep, 2010


Lucky you. think I shall have to come for tea, nice fresh scones, blackberry& apple jam and cream ! mmmmmm.......

10 Sep, 2010


No Blackberry Jam this year, just enough to pick and eat...We moved the bush at the end of season...and its doing well, along with three more young ones we planted, OH is growing them espalier...
Next year Cinders for Scones Jam & cream :o)))

2 Aug, 2011

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