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dilapidated fencing! will be replaced mid-Oct. 2010

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I hope you can get this sorted.. :o)

9 Sep, 2010


Yes, so do's a priority. Not looking forward to dismantling and wrapping up the asbestos sheets as it will be quite a job!

9 Sep, 2010


Yes ... need to be VERY careful with that...
will you have to wear face masks so you don't breathe in the asbestos dust ..or must it be done by professionals ?

9 Sep, 2010


In reading the council website it seems you have to wear a disposable suit, face masks and disposable gloves, being careful not to break the sheets of asbestos up if at all possible. Apparently if you wet them first there is not so much of a problem with the dust.

Our property borders on a business (shared fence) so I am hoping they will assist us with the dismantling and wrapping up. I don't think we'll have to get a professional as there are only half a dozen or so of the sheets. Make an appt. at the local council tip and they will receive them if they're properly wrapped up.

So....that's the plan!

9 Sep, 2010


Good luck.... :o)))

9 Sep, 2010


oh my god i feel for you, good luck and keep thinking what it will be like, that keeps you going ;o))

9 Sep, 2010


I think I do need God on my side, San. It's a huge challenge for me and seems overwhelming....ok, I'm a softie! Yes, it's the finished garden I want to keep in my thoughts...

9 Sep, 2010


you will get there try not to look at it all, just concentrate on small area at a time, i found it helps ;o))

9 Sep, 2010


good advice, San....little by little :)

9 Sep, 2010


your welcome ;o))

9 Sep, 2010


Oh yes, a lot of work there Wlass!! like San says...bit at a time! You'll get there!

9 Sep, 2010


I checked with the shop owner adjacent to us who shares the dilapidated fence and he won't contribute to the cost of replacement.....I'll have to get the estimates and go from there. Disappointed though as we paid half for concrete fencing on the opposite side of the garden with the neighbours this summer.

Oh well....I'll be off to phone around for estimates now.

11 Sep, 2010


doesnt that make you so mad Whistonlass, you would think he would be glad to having it look tidy again, makes me boil,, so tight fisted some people ;o(

12 Sep, 2010


It does anger me, San, particularly when there is asbestos involved. I asked him if he'd be willing to have himself or one of his staff take care of the asbestos panels then as his contribution. He ignored the question altogether!

I know businesses are struggling in these recession days but we were business owners here (newsagent) up until April of this year and we are now on a limited pension....enough moaning for today!!

I've got the name of a local man who did the fencing on our other neighbour's side so I'll give him a call this week and get the dreaded estimate!

On the bright daughter got me 10 lovely rockery stones via freecycle today and we've been and picked them up. Now stored in the 'back 40' to await the development of the garden. I am so pleased....and she may hear of more available as well! So.....I'm smiling about free rockery stones. :) A couple of them even have moss on them, even better!

12 Sep, 2010


great getting the rockery stones Wlass, im sure you can get the council to dispose of asbestos panels or if they are on his land then you can report to health and safety, worth looking into ;o)

12 Sep, 2010


I would chuck their half of the fence their side LOL

Oh! You get things off of Freecycle too, we picked up about 70 odd grey pavers last week in between doing the revamp to our front garden also 4 concrete planters from another Freecycler & now I will have to get the paint off of them and bring um back to how they sould be, Cor! That will keep me busy lol, we need to save money where we can don't we lol :O)))

20 Oct, 2010


Yep.....agree Freecycle is so handy. That photo above is all coming out today.....yippee!!!

20 Oct, 2010


Don't forget to sling some their side LOL :o)))

20 Oct, 2010


I feel like slinging it but I'll not do that....the fence people will see to it thankfully (taking it away for us).

20 Oct, 2010


Oh! Well. Best of luck with getting it all sorted. I have made you one of my Favorites by the way, have so much liked posting on here with you :O)))) Jackie

20 Oct, 2010


Hi Jackie...did you notice I'm a Jacquie too (Jacqueline really)? lol and we're the same age as well!

I'm going to do a blog tonight about the first day of our new fence project so you'll hear all about it. It's been like Grand Central Station around here today with various workmen!!

I'm pleased you're enjoying my blogs/comments and thanks for favouriting me. I've done the same with you :)

20 Oct, 2010


How did it go with the removal of the asbestos? You'll have to post some pictures of your new fence.

10 Mar, 2011


Mandy....I have photos of the new fencing....but not in my "photos" my blogs section. Take a peek.

We are very pleased with the fence and the paving that they undertook for us but not happy with the huge hole they dug (see my blogs) and filled with garden waste and some remnants of broken asbestos they also secreted in the hole after I told them we'd take the broken bits to the tip...all wrapped up in bubble wrap just as we'd done with the huge pieces of asbestos...they wanted to bury the lot!!!

We've contacted another gardener who is coming to see us tomorrow about the gravel/garden design and we'll be asking him to remove as much of the stuff in the hole as he can and we'll make sure we can get the asbestos wrapped and taken to the tip.

I had forgotten just how awful the old "fence" looked and I'm so impatient for the gravel to go down that it was nice to be reminded how far we have actually come!

10 Mar, 2011


It is lovely to look back and see your garden evolve. I really wish I had taken photos of the side courtyard garden when it was full of my husbands building rubble so the people could see how far my gardens have come. I'm just about to have a look at your blogs :o))

10 Mar, 2011

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