'Pink Princess' - or probably 'Mollie Gould'
By Spritzhenry

6 Sep, 2010
The only other Schizostylis to emerge this year. I seem to have lost the others! :-((((
Comments on this photo
Yes - I agree!!...and I'd love to see the others again...sob, sob.
6 Sep, 2010
They are so lovely because of the simplicity I think.
I must admit to being on the look out for as pure a white one as I can find.
6 Sep, 2010
What an incredible pink...this is gorgeous, no wonder you are upset if you have lost some.... :~(((
6 Sep, 2010
that's a really pretty one, funny now you come to mention it, I haven't seen any of mine yet :-(( I thought they were hardy?
7 Sep, 2010
I did too, G. Maybe we're wrong - or maybe they're v.v.v.late?? I do love them, Flori - I think I may have to replace them if they really have vanished.
Meanie - one of the missing ones was white....:-(((((
7 Sep, 2010
I've got to go and investigate today now, it's got me wondering LOL
8 Sep, 2010
Please let me know if yours have vanished as well, G!
8 Sep, 2010
its beautiful!
11 Sep, 2010
Thanks, Floral. I wonder whether Grindle's found hers yet? lol
11 Sep, 2010
whoops sorry Spritz, been busy will try to remember today ;-)
12 Sep, 2010
Beautiful :o)
12 Sep, 2010
Thanks. :-))
Good luck, Grindle!
12 Sep, 2010
Hi Spritz, I have just begun browsing your photos and came across this pic. I have the warm pink - Mrs Hegarty I think! - and the very pale pink, Princess something. Its too late to go out and look at the labels. Will do tomorrow. Anyway, I have a spare or two in the garden of the warm pink and have to split the pale pink after it has finished flowering. Will let you have them if you wish. I saw a beautiful red one..mmm I think it was at Burton Agnes..no just checked my pics. Heligan kitchen gardens. Called Cardinal. Havent been able to track it down yet. I guess you announce you open garden day so I will be there next year!
12 Sep, 2010
I would love some! Thanks very much. Give me a yell when you do split them. :-)))))))
I can tell you the dates for next year - Thursdays June 2nd and 9th, 2 - 5.30. We have to send the paperwork off really early!
13 Sep, 2010
Must have been half asleep last night. Pink Princess, such a pale pale pink almost white. This one I have. Dont think its the one in your picture..that is too pink. The other was supposed to be Major, according to label, but its nowhere near red, just a lovely warm pink. Will take a pic, make sure colour is true then post it..could be Prof. Barnard..but surely someone will know. Mine are doing splendidly, the greenery stays almost all year!
13 Sep, 2010
I used to have 'Fenland Dawn', but I thought that was lighter, too. Hmmm...what was the other one called....it should be in my plant list - I'll have to check.
13 Sep, 2010
Nope !!! no sign of them or in mum's garden either :-((( I thought they were hardy
16 Sep, 2010
Oh dear. I did, too, but obviously not! :-(((
16 Sep, 2010
I like this one Spritz, I have two big clumps of red/deep pink ones don`t know the name they were given to me a couple of years back, Very prolific flowerers.
17 Sep, 2010
Could be 'Major' - that's red. You're lucky that 'yours' haven't vanished! :-)))
17 Sep, 2010
No they haven`t vanished in fact they are better than last year.
18 Sep, 2010
That's good - there have been too many disappearances already! ;-))))
18 Sep, 2010
Just been trolling the net for schitzostylis and cam across Mollie Gould..looks just like your picture with darker pink streaks on petals
18 Sep, 2010
Could be - thanks! I'd better edit the photo, then! :-)
18 Sep, 2010
I had an interesting chat with a nurseryman at the NCCPG yesterday, and although they are hardy, and like a damp soil, they don't like to be sitting in freezing wet soil for any length of time, so this seems to be why mine didn't appear again this year. I bought another one and am going to plant it in a drier place this time in the hope it will grow and survive.
20 Sep, 2010
Funny you should say that, though I have 3 smaller clumps, the largest and best are under shelter of a wall, where soil is nearly always dry and gets early morning sun. It has spread quite a bit there too. Plants are funny things.
20 Sep, 2010
That can't be the reason why mine have vanished, though - they were in the front garden in sun, and that area doesn't get too wet???
Plants are indeed funny things, T.
Good luck with your new one, G.
20 Sep, 2010
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This photo is of "Schizostylis 'Pink Princess'" in Spritzhenry's garden
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Schizostylis Coccinea 'Major'
£8.00 at Burncoose -
Schizostylis Coccinea 'Pink Princess'
£8.00 at Burncoose -
Schizostylis Coccinea 'sunrise'
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Schizostylis Coccinea 'Viscountess Byng'
£8.00 at Burncoose -
Schizostylis Coccinea 'Fenland Daybreak'
£8.00 at Burncoose
that's simple and yet beautiful!
6 Sep, 2010