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Hover-fly feeding from Verbena


By Janey

Hover-fly feeding from Verbena (Verbena bonariensis (Verbena))

There's been so many Hover-flies around this summer, all helping to keep the plants free from aphids.

Comments on this photo


Wonderful picture Janey, I really want your camera, shows so much detail :-)

10 Sep, 2010


Thanks Kathy...:o) It sees so much more than I do...Lol!

10 Sep, 2010


Really nice close up Janey .. :o)

10 Sep, 2010


Great pic!!

10 Sep, 2010


Fantastic Closeup!

11 Sep, 2010


Lol, know the feeling Janey, blind as a bat without my specs :-)

11 Sep, 2010


Thanks everyone....:o)

11 Sep, 2010


Oh yes Janey. Funny how we have a similar picture on here :-)

11 Sep, 2010


What a beauty Janey.we too have had lots and lots of these in the garden (and porch !) Lol

11 Sep, 2010


Everyone likes your porch Jane - how the ferrel kitten?
I guess the hover fly does a similar job to the bees by pollunating?

11 Sep, 2010


Lol Dawn...shes still with us.Sleeps most of the day on the compost heap. The good news is that she hasnt gone for any of the birds...I told her off for stalking just the once..bless her ! The hoverflies do pollinate..and keep the aphids under control too.....

11 Sep, 2010


It's all good then Jane :-) I'm so pleased the kitten is still around, she obviously knows that she's got it good.

11 Sep, 2010


Oh she certainly knows that Dawn Lol :o)

11 Sep, 2010


great shot janey,

11 Sep, 2010


Sounds like your feral kitten has made her home you think by the winter she'll be coming in?
Its been great to see so many hover-flies this year....the blackflies we had early on in the garden, soon disappeared with these and the Ladybirds....:o)

11 Sep, 2010


Your avatar is cute Janey. So many ladybirds this year and doing a fab job.

11 Sep, 2010


Hope so Janey..she is still very wary..but comes in twice a day for her food !! Lol many hoverflies..hardly any aphids ! Lol

11 Sep, 2010


They are Dawn....I bet she will Jane once the chilly air starts nipping at her paws.............

11 Sep, 2010



11 Sep, 2010

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