Hosta 'Karen'
By Greenthumb

7 Oct, 2010
I put this hosta in last year, not sure what kind of result I would get. The neighbor swears they die after a few winters, but I feel very positive about it. Now circled by a mix of dianthus that I hope to return each year as well.
Comments on this photo
Lovely big leaves, GT, fingers crossed it survives for you.
7 Oct, 2010
Beautiful and slug free!
7 Oct, 2010
Thank you. No slugs here, but a short enough season that the bloom barely had time to open, so they get bigger very slowly. I am pleased with the look of it, though now I'm wanting a blue one, they are such a lovely contrast. I've got a million ideas after going through the nursery really well.
8 Oct, 2010
I thought, from seeing the thumbnail, it was another picture of your Sweet Williams! When I actually opened the picture I then thought it was about the Dianthus! Though the title "Hosta Karen" made me look again!
It is a nice plant & looks much better without the leaves full of holes produced by slugs & snails! :-))
13 Oct, 2010
Thank you. Yes, it doesn't really show up well in a thumbnail compared to those colorful dianthus. Though it hasn't got that classic shape so much (the other has a better shape, but bloomed much later) it is unmarred, not even caterpillar bites.
13 Oct, 2010
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Thats very attractive with the white edging;0)
7 Oct, 2010