Guerilla gardening! - Roundabout at the entrance to the village where I live
By Anchorman

17 Oct, 2010
Afew years ago myself and a few others in the village decided to adopt the very run down and tatty roundabout at the entrance to our village .
Typically though, the others all lost interest after a few weeks so muggins here now does it all which after doing 35 customers gardens a week can be the last thing I need!
Actually although sometimes it's work I could do without I do enjoy driving past it every day and it is a big improvement on what was once a patch of grass cut twice a year so it usually looked bad.
I do get alot of complements but no offers of help!
There is now a 20 foot diameter circular plant bed in the centre and I cut the grass and hoe the bed every week or two.
I have had trouble with thieves . I planted some gorgeous winter flowering heathers and after 3 years they were each 18 inches across. Last winter all 20 were dug up overnight and pinched by some thieving low lifes!
I've also had bedding plants nicked.
I live in a tiny cul de sac village in a very rural area and it staggers me that in this sort of area thieving goes on. It is to be expected in run down inner city areas but it really surprised me and other villagers that it happens here.
This photo was taken perhaps 2-3 years ago so much has changed.
Because of the thieves I've changed the planting regime. I'd love to have heathers for winter colour but there's no point as they become valuable once they get bigger and are stolen so now I plant about 20 pansies and 20 polyanthus which seem to be left alone.
Last year I left the pansies to go to seed and dozens of new ones came up in spring this year which I spread around the circle.
In late spring I plant bedding pelargoniums and begonias and in the centre of the circle I've planted 4 hardy osteospermum which over 2-3 years have grown into a 6 foot diameter clump which flowers for months.
Next year I'm going to plant about 12 hardy fuchsias which I've grown from cuttings this year. They flower for 4-5 months and don't require dead heading which is ideal for this position where I want to keep maintenance to a minimum.
I shall also plant a few rudbeckias as they flower for months with no attention required.
In spring I shall also plant some dwarf campanula which should spread quite quickly and are pretty but hopefully not pretty enough to attract the attention of the local low lifes.
Comments on this photo
Well done & not in a "roundabout" way either! :-))
I like what you have done there & the idea you have had of doing that sort of work! I understand how it can be heartbreaking to have your plants stolen. Not that I've had mine stolen but one year, some years ago, some teenagers in a flat several above ours let down some string & managed to pull several of the pots I have in rings on the balcony railings out & then throw them onto the grass in front of the balcony. Or perhaps they slipped as they were pulling them up. Two pots were lifted high enough for them to throw them completely out of the grassed area to the side. Even though they landed on grass it was enough to break the clay pots. One even landed on a metal maintenance cover & broke up completely. :-((
In the 9 years we have lived here that has been the only incident we have ever had! Even so it made me very angry!
17 Oct, 2010
Thanks both for your nice comments
If I caught the thieves I'd end up using them to fertilise my garden!
17 Oct, 2010
great effor there AM, if I lived closer that way I would give you a hand.
18 Oct, 2010
You should be very proud of yourself Anchorman it looks terrific , it's a pity you can't get more help from the village people who enjoy it ....
19 Oct, 2010
Well done to you, can't stand theives or people who lie. But you should be proud of what you have done.:o))
21 Oct, 2010
well done Anchorman, your roundabout looks really pretty, bet it looked even better as the plants matured, its just a shame these thieves cant keep their hands off things that dont belong to them. A neighbour of mine had this problem on his allotment this year . Thieves stripped his gooseberries bare and even damaged the plants, so he decided to put a notice on his crops of other fruit and veg that he grew saying 'Caution' these crops have been sprayed with insecticide ~ do not eat!! He never had any more crops go missing!! These thieves must have loved gooseberries as there were strawberries black and redcurrants and lots of veggies which they didn't touch. Makes you wonder doesn't it?
27 Oct, 2010
Have to remember that one for next summer! LOL!
27 Oct, 2010
We too live in a small village. Our garden extends beyond our front garden wall. Lorries reversing up the lane were forever banging in to the wall so we used upended concrete slab offcuts and made a raised bed. Because so many people walk their dogs down the lane I was anxious not to have to maintain a border. Instead I planted black flower bins from the supermarket at intervals along the length of the bed and we concreted in between. No maintenance. I then removed the bins and planted berberis bushes in the holes. A neighbour going to bed heard suspicious noises and found a chap putting the yanked up plants in black plastic bags. When she and her husband came out the man ran off without his booty. i replanted them and hoped for no more problems. Two years later someone else took a fancy to them and must have got a real fright when they grabbed a very prickly handful of bush hard enough to break branches and draw blood. We have had no problems since.
The local council planted daffodils along the verges of the main road. The villagers got fed up with people picking them and often discarding as many as they carried off. I told one woman that she was not allowed to pick the flowers and I got a real mouthful of abuse. I took her car number and rang the police. I was thoroughly incensed. When the policeman at the nearby station answered I said to him that he would probably think I was mad but told him my tale of woe. He commended my community spirit and said she would not be doing it again as they would pay her a visit and warn her that what she had done was illegal and if she was caught again she would be charged. It is a great pity that people who can afford a car and the petrol to put in it will not treat themselves to a bunch of flowers now and again. We all turn a blind eye to the kids who pick a bunch of daffs for Mothers Day but adult thieves beware. I like what you are doing for your village. Well done.
2 Jan, 2011
3 Jan, 2011
Well done on the civic spirit, love your blog as find it very helpful for beginner especially the planting from cuttings, would not use the thieves for fertilizer, they would just come up as weeds.
28 Oct, 2014
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You are exercising great community spirit,'s a shame others won't assist you and also that thieves have been busy stealing your heathers.
All your planting ideas should look really nice...I like the idea of the fuschias and you at least know you are putting a smile on the faces of villagers as you tend this space. In a "roundabout" way I guess I'm saying to you....."well done." :)
17 Oct, 2010