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Patches curled up on her chair - for Simbad

Patches curled up on her chair - for Simbad

She was about 16 in this pic. Spotty Dog looks on!

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When I first opened this photo I only saw the top of the chair with Spotty Dog....and I thought....what the heck????

Scrolled down and now it all makes sense! lol Is Patches still with you, Tetra?

17 Oct, 2010


No, she left us for heavenly walks Christmas 2006 aged 17.5 years. Still sadly missed J..

17 Oct, 2010


Oh, so sorry you've lost her....I did notice you have another pooch for company as I was looking at your photos so then realized Patches was most likely passed. x

17 Oct, 2010


Aaah she certainly looks comfy there, they like to have their chair don't they :-)have to do a hot water bottle for our cat, spoiled or what :-)

17 Oct, 2010


it goes unsaid!

17 Oct, 2010's sad when they leave us, aye? My Mandy is about to have her 13th birthday...for her breed that's a ripe old age!....How familiar to see the furniture...(especially comfortable chairs) swathed in protective it looks like my house! Mandy sheds a good deal..she has really long hair so I know the routine..."Company's coming...quick shake out the throws... and run the vacuum!!" Those who know us well enough to just drop in are understanding about a few tufts of fur! (or at least they'll have to be.)

18 Oct, 2010


Hi Lori, nice to see you back, hope the H.H. is going well and you've found one.
Yes we had one for each chair and only took them off for posh visitors (not many of them!). Our first, Rusty had thicker fur but strangely Patches shed hair for a pastime. She was broken coated and developed leg fringing in her last few years. Hair was long and coarse along her back but silky smooth and short on the sides. Her parents were working Jack Russells.

18 Oct, 2010


Jack Russells are a very high energy breed. My cousin has a little female who is babied and petted and completely catered to. They tangle up your heart with their cute little ways.

19 Oct, 2010

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