Dinner time
By Hollyeves

25 Oct, 2010
Comments on this photo
i dont know how long he will be around for... hope he finds somewhere to hibernate ..... hope you get to see yours.. : O ))
25 Oct, 2010
great photo Holly
25 Oct, 2010
Thanks yorkshire
25 Oct, 2010
Thats a lovely picture gues he is filling up ready for the long sleep!
25 Oct, 2010
Where do you place his food Holly? Looks like, they are
feeding inside? Bless them, really looks like he/she are
really enjoying it....tuck in, little critter...you are doing a good job Holly, well done!!!
25 Oct, 2010
holly you coulod make him a little hog house somewhere in a corner, im going to try and also make a frog house to lol
25 Oct, 2010
We have one which hibernates in a log pile at the bottom of the garden Holly...in an overgrown wild area ! Beautiful arent they......Sandras idea would be good...
25 Oct, 2010
thanx ray, frogs are easier to accomadate though lol, pots on there sides with earth and leaves in for an example,hoggy house needs smaller opening with larger house bit , not good at explaining but sure you get the idea holly lol
25 Oct, 2010
Great close up, Holly. Hope he finds a place to snuggle down for the winter. Lindak has written a couple of blogs - she has used an old laundry basket as a hide-away for her hedgehogs.
25 Oct, 2010
Brill photo Holly.
26 Oct, 2010
Thanks everyone..... Freesiaperson.... hes on my patio...
i dont know where i would put a hedgehog house a sthe garden is pretty full now, but theres loads of large grasses around where he could go... good luck with your frog house sandra.........
26 Oct, 2010
Absolutely gorgeous little one ... :o))
30 Oct, 2010
Thanks Amy... hes out there right now having his dinner... : O ))
30 Oct, 2010
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brilliant holly, i started to put food out for mine but that little cat over the road kept eating it but now colder she isnt about so will try again ;o))
25 Oct, 2010