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Moz on top of my bonfire waiting for bonfire night tomorrow!...a274

Moz on top of my bonfire waiting for bonfire night tomorrow!...a274

For all kitten lovers out there have a look at this'll love it!

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I hope you checked for little hedgehogs hibernating? Cats love to jump into boxes don't they...and Moz is thinking he's surveying his kingdom I reckon :)

4 Nov, 2010


That is one big gorgeous cat.

4 Nov, 2010


Actually I won't be having a bonfire until late spring as it is such a good place for hibernating hedgehogs and many other critters can over winter there. Because I'm a professional gardener I bring back ion average 4 bin loads of garden waste each day! I compost the compostable bits and have two huge bonfires a year. Sometimes my bonfire can be 20 feet wide and 15 feet high!

4 Nov, 2010


That's some bonfire, Alan. It's great that you have the space to bring back the cuttings/garden waste so you don't have to pay commercial rates to dispose of it.

And how nice that you leave it all there for any hibernating hedgehogs/critters too :)

5 Nov, 2010


What a lovely cat, hope you have a nice bonfire tonight.

5 Nov, 2010


Moz can enjoy her high living for a little longer then Alan ... we have a huge one to be moved and checked for hedgehogs before we can light it tomorrow , it's our grandaughters birthday Bon-fire party ... :o)

BTW .. I took a rose cutting on the 3rd Nov. just out of interest to see if it would take , I'll let you know if it strikes .. :o)

5 Nov, 2010


( covers Moz's ears)

He's a boy!


I have it on my to do list to take some rose cuttings tomorrow

5 Nov, 2010


He's king of his castle Aman, and a very handsome boy too!

6 Nov, 2010


It's still a good thing to check for hedgehogs even in the SPring. You must have a big heap there by March. I suppose the ashes would be good to spread around and dig in. Your cat is lovely and likes the box.

11 Nov, 2010


I leave it to very late spring and to be honest the heap is so big there's no way I could check in the middle. I do worry about killing rodents nesting but there's not much I can do to stop that.

There is only one wind direction when I can light my fire without being a pain to the neighbours and it only seens to occur 3 or 4 times a year .. that's why I don't have smaller bonfires more frequently

11 Nov, 2010


I know where you are coming from as when I had the large garden I used to have to do the same although I had a huge double compost area.

12 Nov, 2010


Moz is great. We've 3 cats. Looked at the link, me and missus were laughing. :o))

13 Nov, 2010

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