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Carica papaya 'Solo' - Hawaiian Solo Papaya

Carica papaya 'Solo' - Hawaiian Solo Papaya (Carica papaya 'Solo' - Hawaiian Solo Papaya)

My Hawaiian Solo papaya plant is blooming and developing small papayas. Photo taken Nov. 9, 2010.

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Looking good :o))

10 Nov, 2010


How long do they take to ripen?

10 Nov, 2010



Thanks! I have 5 papaya plants which are all doing very well.

10 Nov, 2010



Spring bloom usually takes about 4 months and fall bloom will take 6 months or more to ripen.

10 Nov, 2010


How are your mangoes doing this year ?

11 Nov, 2010



I pulled my mango tree out last year. Unfortunately, it was crowded out by other plants...and declined. It was a really the good Keitt variety too. :>(

I hope to plant a new one in full sun next year!

11 Nov, 2010


I love papyas, can you send one over as soon as it is ripe please.

16 Nov, 2010



Sure. :>)

You would absolutely love home-grown papayas. They taste so much better than any store-bought papaya.

16 Nov, 2010


I can imagine it would be....

18 Nov, 2010



Commercially grown papayas are picked too green...and never are able to develop the sugars needed to taste good.
Red Caribbean papayas are the only exception - usually tasting good when picked green.

18 Nov, 2010


Amazing what one can learn on here.....

25 Nov, 2010



Yes, it is amazing! :>)

27 Nov, 2010

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