Sunset....around 3.30pm
By Dorjac

10 Nov, 2010
Comments on this photo
Your vine looks so beautiful...nature's garland :)
10 Nov, 2010
This is lovely.....
11 Nov, 2010
your garden looks lovely, wonderful photo
11 Nov, 2010
11 Nov, 2010
absolutely fantastic..loved it.
29 Dec, 2010
Thanks Brian (my brother's name). The spare grapes off the Pinot Noir have entertained 2 very bossy Mistle Thrushes for the last 3 weeks. I did go to the market to see if any mistletoe for them to mistle with.....but alas none to be found. The ornithological cats have had a whale of a time stalking them. The Mr and Mrs Mistles are too vigilant and militant Mistles to be out smarted by Moggies. Please grow a few Rowans in Lovely Limerick. Birdies love them berries.
29 Dec, 2010
Oooh I love this:-)
15 Jun, 2011
Thanks Bornagain. The grape is doing well this year but not so vigorous due to recent dryness. The leaves just glow in the autumn when they colour up. Some Heuchera leaves give the same effect, if you have em in a pot raised a bit and the sun shines through them.
16 Jun, 2011
I do have quite a few heuchera, and will be having more:-) I have found the lovely ruffled marmalade has the sort of effect you mention. It's more noticable here as it's the only one in a pot. I just love the effects of the sun...if only we had more of it...sigh:-)
16 Jun, 2011
In Essex we had a completely dry and mostly sunny May. This morning when our grass cutter/strimmer friend is due to call, it has just started to rain! After a few dullish days of no rain. Nothing will ever suit us gardeners, only rain at night, sunny days, and not too windy ever. No droughts or severe prolonged frosts. For me, temperature no higher than about 72. In Your dreams....sigh;-)
16 Jun, 2011
That'd do me too:-)
16 Jun, 2011
The rain filled up the canopy butt again. The grass man calleth and cut the wet grass. The lawn is not so grand as to worry about wet cuts! In fact it is a disgrace really. It looks OK if not too closly inspected Lol:-)
16 Jun, 2011
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It's only 3.30pm and the sun is already lower than the fence. The glow is shining through the vine leaves. I have gardened for several hours under a lovely blue sky and caught up with lots of jobs I needed to do. It suddenly went very time to pop the tools away and a nice hot cup of Bovril.
10 Nov, 2010