muntjac deer
By Stickitoffee

15 Nov, 2010
this little chap was staring into my kitchen window one day last february. he stayed for quite a while but i havent seen him since.
Comments on this photo
very sweet, stood there for ages!
15 Nov, 2010
Yep..I have them...they stand in one place for ages, once my back is turned, they are in my garden eating my roses :(((( I am not their friend. :(((( sweet nevertheless :)
15 Nov, 2010
very sweet, he couldnt get in the garden ~ these are the woods we look onto ~ which belong to the council. actually he probably could get in but would have to jump the fence, im sure he is capable although muntjacs aren't very big.
15 Nov, 2010
'A fleeting visit...i do, hope this little deer pays you another visit soon St? 'Thanks for sharing pic with us..
16 Nov, 2010
I've not seen a deer like this before...I hope he doesn't get loose in your garden...the deer used to cause havoc in my parents' garden in B.C. And they seem to choose the most tender of plants and new shoots...and they sure can get through fences.
Lovely to see from a stepmom encountered a deer on the property when she was out walking about and it attacked her....the only time I'd known any harm to come from the deer. Thankfully just bruised and shaken and made a full recovery.
This one at the back of your property looks cute :)
16 Nov, 2010
thanks freesiaperson, i think it must live somewhere near ~ if its still around [? :( ] but they are very shy; i dont think they ever get very big.
16 Nov, 2010
Wonderful sighting!
16 Nov, 2010
just lucky! through the window! i wonder how often he looks in and i dont see him??
16 Nov, 2010
Great photo Sticki, we see muntjacs a lot round here but I`ve never had one in the garden. Cute as they are I know they can cause a lot of damage to our beloved plants.
19 Nov, 2010
we've lived here for 5 years and this was a first ~ so you never know!
19 Nov, 2010
Lovely little face..I would love to see one from my window...
19 Nov, 2010
havent seen this one since, we get squirrels tho.
19 Nov, 2010
Squirrels and deer; you do have lots of edible things in you garden don't you. Another pie perhaps?
22 Nov, 2010
game pie???
22 Nov, 2010
Yes please! I had a lovely game pie at a pub on Blakey Ridge in the North Yorkshire moors on Fathers day. It was lovely. It took a bit of persuading though, as the last one I ate, 20 years ago, was cooked by a really strange woman sporting a very vivid moustache!! The pie was tasty, but I spent the next day throwing up quite violently and had to go home from work. It put me off game pie until this year.
I only just managed to eat the pie this year as the portion was huge! But it was fantastic!
23 Nov, 2010
im pleased to hear you have overcome your fear ~ but i would have been very scared of that moustachiod chef too!!
some of the supermarkets are now doing tiny game pies as party foods!!!
i love pie of any sort ~ is that an english thing?
game pie will have to be on the menu now!
23 Nov, 2010
Deer are beautiful creatures, but can do a lot of damage to woodland if too great in numbers, or the winter like last year is extremely cold and they can't find enough to eat. You can't really blame them though can you.
23 Nov, 2010
no i like them but then it looks as if there is only one ~ surely that cant be much of a problem?
23 Nov, 2010
Oh I forgot to mention, I once met a woman whose dog had been seriously injured by a male Muntjac. It had gored her dog in the stomach but luckily it only cut open the muscle and not any internal organs. The scar was enormous and since then I am always very careful when I`m in the woods with a dog. They don`t have a set rutting season and breed all year round. Its just a warning but they are not like our native deer.
23 Nov, 2010
eeeeeek! maybe i had better not go out at night ~ now you've scared me
my cat is now out in the dark.
23 Nov, 2010
The stags in the small herd we have at work batter the living daylights out of each other, then expect to be hand fed by the staff in the morning! If we are lucky, we can get a little stroke. They are fallow deer.
The stags will be going soon to other deer herds around the country and new, unrelated stag brought in during the summer. Here in Hull, we often get roe deer in the city centre. They follow the River Hull into the city and often end up in the parks. One was living in the crematorium grounds for 2 years before it went!
23 Nov, 2010
before the crematorium went or the deer?
i dont like to ask what happened to the deer?!!
23 Nov, 2010
It was the deer that went. The normal practice is to leave the deer as they usually find their way out of the city and back into the countryside. This one stayed, chomped its way through the shrubs and bedding plants (no great loss there) then went.
You can see some pics of our animals at the following website:
Just click anywhere in the map and away you go.
23 Nov, 2010
Wow lucky you, I don't think this little one will hurt antlers:-)
24 Nov, 2010
thats a relief bornagain
what an amazing place geraniumdad ~ its not exactly a bad place to work??!!
i like those alpacas ~ do you collect the wool from them?
24 Nov, 2010
We certainly do. Are you a knitter by any chance as well as a super cook?
The alpacas are real characters: they practically mug you in a morning when its feeding time! It is a really fab job, quite stressful at the moment as we are going through another re-organisation at the moment. The park has won some more awards again this year: Best Park in Yorkshire (from Britain in Bloom) and we have got 2 green flag awards this year as well. Its well worth a visit.
24 Nov, 2010
the lickey hills near here also have the green flag award ~ i remember them telling me how much they had to do to get it ~ so well done!
yes i quite like a bit of knitting ~ mainly cos i find it very hard to sit still so if i can knit and watch tv it helps. wish i was a super cook!!
those alpacas look so cuddly, i really like them ~ how much difference is there between a llama and an alpaca ~ sorry, i should probably know but i dont.
i imagine the wool takes colours well ~ south american knits are usually brightly coloured arent they? or do alpacas not originate from south america?
24 Nov, 2010
Llamas and Alpacas, along with Guanacos and Vicunas are all related to Camels. They are South American and live at high altitude in the Andes. Alpacas are smaller than Llamas and are in a different Genus: Alpacas are in the genus Vicugna and Llamas are in the genus Lama. They can interbreed. Their fleece is really great to knit with apparently and comes in a wide range of colours. It can be dyed as well.
25 Nov, 2010
pink alpacas would be quite an attraction i should think [not my favourite colour tho]
do alpacas spit like llamas?
25 Nov, 2010
Sort of. Its like when you are having a drink and someone says something funny and you spray the drink everywhere... The main difference is that it is partly chewed food/grass that comes out and it stinks!
They can bite as well.
25 Nov, 2010
not as cuddly as they look then!!
25 Nov, 2010
Fantastic shot my favourite animal of all, I hope it comes back for you at Christmas would nt that be wonderful.
7 Dec, 2010
that would be very nice ~ i keep looking!
7 Dec, 2010
So would I lucky you.
7 Dec, 2010
What a delightful little visitor, would love to have them visit me, great picture gone on my favourites!
13 Dec, 2010
oh, thanks PP, havent unfortunately seen him/her for quite a while now but it was cold weather last time he came so maybe he will visit again soon??
13 Dec, 2010
Just thought I would let you know that one of the continental supermarkets (Lidl, Aldi, Netto) is selling reindeer steaks! I have told the children that they will be able to see rudolph this Christmas as he will be visiting the house...... haven't told them he will be getting warm in the oven though!!
13 Dec, 2010
oh dear oh dear that made me laugh GD
just watching heston making doormouse lollipops ~ dont know which is worse!!??
venison is presumably in most of the supermarkets??
we have 2 live reindeer [not steaks!!] at the local GC
13 Dec, 2010
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He's very cute. : o )
15 Nov, 2010