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Blechnum gibbum - Dwarf Tree Fern, Silver Lady Fern

Blechnum gibbum - Dwarf Tree Fern, Silver Lady Fern (Blechnum gibbum - Dwarf Tree Fern, Silver Lady Fern)

This Fijian native dwarf tree ferns is very widely grown in California. This house had 7 ferns...most were around 5.5ft/ 1.7m tall. Photo taken on Coronado Island, CA. on Nov. 27, 2010.

Comments on this photo


They're absolutely gorgeous!

28 Nov, 2010



I do like this fern also. I have a fairly large one I've posted in the past...although, the trunk is not nearly as tall as these.

28 Nov, 2010


I do agree a very wonderful fern

28 Nov, 2010


Wow, this is awesome. It must have taken many years to get the trunks that length......

24 Jun, 2011



Yes, they do take several years to develop the taller trunks.
Although, these dwarf tree ferns with 1ft/31cm of trunk are pretty inexpensive and widely available for sale.

24 Jun, 2011

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Pictures by Delonix1
2800 of 6746

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This photo is of species Blechnum gibbum - Dwarf Tree Fern, Silver Lady Fern.

See who else has plants in genus Blechnum.

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