garden4 28.11
By David
- 28 Nov, 2010
Our "Ship" isn't going anywhere, soon!
Comments on this photo
48 hrs, now 1 foot approx., deep! :-))
28 Nov, 2010
That quite a bit of snow! Does it typically snow this much, this time of year?
28 Nov, 2010
More shore leave Cap'n ? :o)
28 Nov, 2010
This is very unusual, Del!! Not usual until January, at earliest.
Methinks there may well be, Bo'sun!!! :-))
28 Nov, 2010
28 Nov, 2010
Especially if I can't dig the car out!!!!!! :-)))
29 Nov, 2010
I did that this morning to go for the paper!!!
29 Nov, 2010
:-((( Glad I don't read them. LOL!!
29 Nov, 2010
Yes I must be mad I know lol :o)
29 Nov, 2010
Hope that the weather forecast columns were right!!! :-))
29 Nov, 2010
29 Nov, 2010 a former newsagent (newly retired since April) I applaud you for fetching your paper on such a snowy and cold day. I hope you went to your "local newsagent" and not a superstore....cause independent newsagents really need customers' loyalty :)'ve got one heck of a lot of snow there! Hope you can get your car dug out in the morning to get to work. The snow has evaded us so far and that makes me very happy! :)
29 Nov, 2010
brilliant photo David,
29 Nov, 2010
I heard on the news today...the snow in the U.K is the earliest in 17 years. That's pretty impressive snow!
29 Nov, 2010
Yes Whistonlass local PO/newsagent :o)
29 Nov, 2010
Heard this today, also, Delonix.
Well done, bo'sun!! :-))
Did have to dig the car out this morning, Whistonlass. Had parked it up on a main road a few streets away. When I got to it this morning, a snowplough had passed during the night, and dumped it all over and around my wee car (appealed to my sense of humour, however!). Took 3 1/2 hrs instead of the normal 45mins drive to work, but only 2 coming back tonight. Wonder what it will be, tomorrow?
29 Nov, 2010
Gosh there's dedication - on your part! The snow plough regularly sweeps by dumping snow across my drive way making my job a tad longer - how I laugh :o)
29 Nov, 2010
What a lovely boat, even as a child I ve always love sailing boats, reminds me of when my uncle in London sailed his in the park large pond.
4 Dec, 2010
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Wow! How many days has it been snowing?
28 Nov, 2010