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Spot the Robin

Spot the Robin

I have never seen as many Robins in my garden before, think words got round where the food is, problem is they are so busy chasing each other away they are too busy to eat!

Comments on this photo


ahh!! they are lovely.

1 Dec, 2010


I cam see him

1 Dec, 2010


Thanks Olive and Carol, think they must be most peoples favourite birds!

1 Dec, 2010


Christmas Card PP would look fantastic, I just love it,

1 Dec, 2010


Well-photographed :o)

1 Dec, 2010


This is one of the nicest snow pictures on GOY this winter.
I love the robin.

1 Dec, 2010


I see him too,Carole..what a lovely picture..My favourite little bird too..gone on my favourites :o))

1 Dec, 2010


Thanks Ladies
Val I thought Christmas card material pity I finished this years but will put it on file for next year.
Terra, Linda and Sandra perhaphs we should have a Goy poll for members most favourite bird;0) considering I took this through the window I am pleased with the picture!

1 Dec, 2010


so pleased you are putting it on file for next year, its a stunning photo.

1 Dec, 2010


Now you know the subject of your 2011 Christmas card Val ;0)

1 Dec, 2010


can't wait, Lol

1 Dec, 2010


lovely pic carole, so festive, i love robins to, not seen ours much but putting food out, maybe just missing him when im not about, just painted a robin lol, well sort of haha

1 Dec, 2010


Thanks Sandra Robins do make good subjects for painting, I have done a few different birds but not a Robin, can't wait to see yours;0)

1 Dec, 2010


Wow, a beautiful winter pic Carole.....!

1 Dec, 2010


carole im sure your birdy painting are much better than mine lol, i will take a pic tomoz and post it, but dont laugh hahaha

1 Dec, 2010


How nice it must be to have the robins visiting your garden. This one looks like he's looking for his mates...and yes, it would make a lovely Christmas card :)

1 Dec, 2010


Thanks HB, Janey, Sandra and Whistonlass for all your lovely comments pleased you like it!
Sandra Im looking forward to seeing your Robin picture;0)
Whistonlass Robins are very cute little birds and it lovely to see them in the garden but they are quite aggressive too, mine have been chasing all the other little birds away;0)

2 Dec, 2010


put my painting up carole :o)

2 Dec, 2010


Will go and have a peep now;0)

2 Dec, 2010


I spy and spot him on the branch, when I first seen this photo on thumb nail I thought it was a post box underneath lol.

4 Dec, 2010


Thanks Sixpence, hope you are keeping nice and warm!

6 Dec, 2010


I don't put heating on in the day at present just at evenings this past week, none prior, I drink plenty of tea too, so I stay in fleece pjs and bought a thicker dressing gown, socks, slippers, and hood, they are a lot warmer than jeans and jumpers, I m getting to feel like scrooge haha, I always make sure I don't forget what it was like when I was a child, no central heating just coal fires down stairs, no heat when bathing and mum always in her coat indoors, as there was nt any double glazing so thats how I ve tried to live always as then your body gets use to it and it cuts down the bills which these fat cats are making out of all.

6 Dec, 2010


Im afraid I must be a lot softer than you in my old age 6d, Heating full on at present even though the bills are high, just hate to be cold, I remember my childhood and the early days of our marriage just a coal fire in the living room, banked up with potato peelings etc. no hot bath outside loo, those were the good old days lol

6 Dec, 2010


I too recall those days Carole not so good for me though, in the late 70s, I was given a house covered top to bottom in human feaces even the council workers would nt enter it, it was a tin bath outside where I had to pull the bath in to the kitchen to bathe the children like you, no loo inside, damp course through out gone, and walls moving no roof in the 2 years I lived there, which the neighbours laughed at, as soon as I was moveing out they came to put a roof on, I was just about to go to court to sue the council as students backed me and got an organisation to condem it unfit for human inhabitation and bought it to court, after the council offering for me to sign to agree to the conditions which I refused to sign, so they offered me another house even though the top man said if I did nt sign I would never get any where. I was born and bred here, also my children, they are and have been treating my children the same. I was reading a paper the Daily Mail, any person any where can travel to europe, get eu citizenship, then come here and claim a house under eu citizenship they become a priority over any one who is at the top of the waiting list, then as they are not allowed to work the British tax payer has to pay for them, so seems this is what this country has become now, as people don't care nor stick together here, if it does nt effect them, perhaps they have never heard of the knock on effect.

My eldest daughter is in rented accomodation which the Indian land lord kicked her out of his 3 bed house and moved his son in, then moved her into a 2 bedroom, with 2 teenage girls and 2 boys her and her husband, the house is terrible condition, mould, so she reported it to the council where a chap came out from the council, and said he had to do the work, gave him a time slot and he never done the work, another one came out, after my daughter informed them he had nt done the work, now she has lost the right to a council dwelling as they promised her, as the land lord told her to use the dinning room as a bedroom, so the council now are saying its a 3 bedroom. I was fumeing how curupt is that this is Coventry city council for you. Seems when you work hard like she does this is your reward, they seem to be punishing her for complaining so all you people out there beware when complaining about landlords.

7 Dec, 2010


What an horrendous experiences that you and your family have gone through. Just hope that everything is better for you now and you are living in decent and comfortable accomadation.

7 Dec, 2010


Thank you Carole, yes its terrible to how your own council and town treats you, especially as my mum worked making the engines for the war in Jag and my dad he also dug many bodies out of the Alvis works when that got bombed during the war with his brother.

I am housed better now, only through the cricket team I worked for, as they were big bussiness people one is famous here Rotherhams, so I got offered while working for them a new house which does nt belong to the council its a private assocation, but my children are still living with mould through out their homes, which if it was in the usa, you would nt be allowed back in the house, to get any thing unless you wore a breathing suit, as mould especially black mould lives on the lungs and kills you as its poisonous.

7 Dec, 2010


Pleased you are at least nicely settled and hope something is done for the rest of your family soon , must be dreadful living in such unhealthy conditions.

7 Dec, 2010


Thank you Carole.

7 Dec, 2010


Lovely pic Carole, it seems to take me ages to catch up with pics and things now:-)

29 Dec, 2010


Thanks BA I know the feeling , especially if you havent been on fo awhile, happy viewing;0)

9 Jan, 2011


It's a funny name for a robin isn't it:-)

9 Jan, 2011


Lol BA never thought of it until now;0))

10 Jan, 2011


So Spot it is took me a while to suss that one out,Ba..had to go back to the beginning of the blog,and the Title...Lol...:o)))))))))).

10 Jan, 2011


I didn't notice the first time Bloomer, then when it came back on my 'news' I wondered who Spot the robin was and why it was called that lol:-)

11 Jan, 2011


What are you like Ba ? made me smile though.
That's a good name for him...:o))

11 Jan, 2011

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