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Foxhollow in the snow 3

Foxhollow in the snow 3

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Brrr, brrrr, and brrrr again....great to see it stylized by the snow though Blue.

19 Dec, 2010


Just out of interest Jane, the tree in the centre is Nyssa sinensis, never colours up much in the autumn in our climate like it does in the States.

20 Dec, 2010


Lovely :o))

20 Dec, 2010


That's a shame Blue, but it is still a great shape. I've noticed the Eucalyptus in our garden isn't taking too kindly to this cold. I hope it doesn't suffer too badly as there soon won't be any bone structure left, both Cordylines look like they've must be over 20ft....:o((

20 Dec, 2010


Well, there you go Jane, just the opportunity to re-plant with a conifer or two!! ;) x

20 Dec, 2010! Yes your right...I was expecting a little bit of sympathy....should have known better...Lol! Its a narrow walled garden though, and to get the height, a conifer would be too Italian Cypress or two would do!

20 Dec, 2010


HaHa, no sympathy when it comes to cordylines, ok when young, but a bit too scruffy when older IMO of course.
When it comes to narrow conifers there's more than just Italian Picea omorika 'Pendula Bruns'..probably a little off beat for your liking though Jane x

20 Dec, 2010


Well, the Cordylines have to be maintained of course which in my garden means taking off all dead hanging leaves...I used to spend ages doing this in the summer, the trunks were a smashing shape. Nope, don't like the growth habit of the Picea omorika pendula bruns....haven't got the space it needs as a specimen tree.

20 Dec, 2010


Not saying you should have one of course....but 'Pendula Bruns' doesn't really need any space, not really a specimen tree either, just spirals upwards (or trained vertical), and no wider than 60cms (2feet in English!) when mature, more of a statement or accent plant I would say ..x

20 Dec, 2010


Really! Only 2ft that's interesting, will have to check out suppliers Blue, or my local GC. Thanks for that...:o) X

20 Dec, 2010


You sound surprised at the narrow width Jane...doubt you're find it at normal Garden Centres though, could try Lime Cross Nursery mail order, or I will be grafting a few in the New Year...which assuming they are successful would be ready by early summer....If you are! really keen on one that is ?

21 Dec, 2010


Yes I am Blue...I had a look on Google and thought it said the skirt would be much wider, but 2ft would be ideal....:o)
Of course, we were all going to come and help you graft last year...Lol! Yes, I would be very interested in one Blue.....if all goes to plan, how tall do you think it would be when ready to sell?

22 Dec, 2010


Ok yes, it does produce a skirt at the base, which you can trim away every year with no problem, but the main body of the plant will not exceed 2ft in width.
Forgot about the grafting class Jane, but if you still want some free! one to one tuition, just let me know ;o)
Plants will only be small next years grafts, probably no more than 6" costs involved tho x

22 Dec, 2010


Lol! No costs involved?? That means 2 corned beef pies.....:o)) When do you think it would be ready to plant in the garden.....if it was successful? Would it survive a winter like this one if it was tiny?

22 Dec, 2010


No hardiness issues with Picea omorika. should be ok to plant into the garden when you receive it, or alternatively you could pot it on and keep it for a year or two until It start to become a bit larger...the choice is yours Jane!

23 Dec, 2010


Wow, that's so kind of you Blue....I would certainly treasure it....:o)) Have a smashing Xmas XX

23 Dec, 2010

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