small back garden
By Teds

8 Feb, 2011
cottage garden
Comments on this photo
Welcome to GOY Teds, I hope you have some more pics for us!
8 Feb, 2011
Thank you! I love to garden but I only have a small plot. I have put on a pic of my car port. I will be improving it this year, I have a lot of ideas to make space for more plants.
8 Feb, 2011
Small, but busy. Lovely planting. Welcome from me as well. : o )
8 Feb, 2011
Thanks Shirley for the Welcome!
8 Feb, 2011
Welcome Teds, you're a woman after my own heart, I only have a small garden but pack in as much as I can!
Yours is so pretty.
8 Feb, 2011
I love the cat's are they rag dolls. Thanks for the welcome!
8 Feb, 2011
WOW! What a beautiful garden! :))))
8 Feb, 2011
Ragdoll cats, Alf and Dolly say welcome too.
8 Feb, 2011
Hi Valadel, I used to have a ragdoll called Yogi he lived to be 15 years old. Sadly we had to say goodbye as his kidneys had failed. I sill have my russian blue Basil he is 16
8 Feb, 2011
You must put on a photo of Basil, I would love to see.
Yogi is a good name for a ragdoll, they are a bit like teddy bears !
8 Feb, 2011
I will put some on tomorrow, Yogi was my teddy bear so soft to cuddle. I am off to bed now so good night!
8 Feb, 2011
Nite nite.
8 Feb, 2011
Hi Teds
Welcome to GOY, I think your garden looks really lovely. The blues and pinks are my favourites too.
8 Feb, 2011
Absolutely lovely.. Welcome to Goy Teds.......
9 Feb, 2011
Your garden is beautiful, Teds...Welcome to GoY :)
9 Feb, 2011
Welcome from me too what a pretty garden you have
27 Feb, 2011
Thank you DRc!
28 Feb, 2011
Just lovely!
1 Mar, 2011
Great job - some hard and creative work here
4 Mar, 2011
Crumbs thats lovely!! don't think mine will look that good!!!
5 Mar, 2011
I'm sure it will look lovely Sewingkilla. It may look a bit hard at first but once the plants are doted round, it will soften the landscape. I used soft blues and pinks as the colors help to make a small area look bigger. Have some low growing plants to spill over on to the gravel to merge the edges. :)
5 Mar, 2011
Your a genius with the colours Teds!
5 Mar, 2011
hi and thanks for the welcome i luv your garden and really like your cottage garden,wonderful colour, i have decided to go for colour this summer myself mainly planting bulbs pic's to come.and fingers crossed lol
7 Mar, 2011
look forward to te pic'c Collette:)
7 Mar, 2011
Gorgeous garden! My aim is to achieve the cottage garden look. Hopefully I'll have as much success as you have had!
10 Mar, 2011
Welcome to GOY Heidi6. Good luck and happy growing!
10 Mar, 2011
Thanks Heidi,its surprising what you can pack into a small space LOL
10 Mar, 2011
Thank you Helenium.
It's really lovely Teds. My garden isn't big, so its great to see you can still achieve good results with a bit of imagination and lots of hardwork.
11 Mar, 2011
Glad you like it Heidi! at least it doset take up to much time, as there is no grass to cut. Welcome to GoY
11 Mar, 2011
Lovely garden Teds
14 Mar, 2011
Yours is Beautiful too! I think we both like the cottage garden style.
14 Mar, 2011
I did have an old cottage before and have tried to copy some of the planting, not quite the same as the real thing though. Lots of my plants came with me when I moved :o)
15 Mar, 2011
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Oh, that is so, so pretty. I love it Teds!
8 Feb, 2011