close up of pieris japonica katsura?
By Stickitoffee

18 Mar, 2011
just some of the little pink bells on my new pieris
Comments on this photo
thats the one ~ thanks plantoholic, the label is outside and its dark now!
ive changed the name now.
18 Mar, 2011
wow looks great :):):)
19 Mar, 2011
its a lovely plant ~ but then so are all pieris
19 Mar, 2011
Beautiful, not sure now if it's the same as mine. The name doesn't ring a bell at all. I will look out the label.
19 Mar, 2011
and very beautiful it is to,
20 Mar, 2011
thanks both of you, its just getting a little bit of sun now ~ its in a partly shaded bed that i can see from the kitchen window.
21 Mar, 2011
for the first time in about 15 years today we noticed white flowers on ours, both my OH and I agreed it was the first time ever its flowered
21 Mar, 2011
how lovely ~ i think they are like wedding bells those white ones!!
21 Mar, 2011
yes they are Sticki, wonder why its taken so long to flower,!!!
21 Mar, 2011
no idea! did you change anything?
21 Mar, 2011
no nothing at all, we were both amazed when we say all the flowers
21 Mar, 2011
oh well, at least they have arrived now ~ better late than never??
21 Mar, 2011
lovely Sticki!
26 Mar, 2011
26 Mar, 2011
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I think its Katsura, the new foliage is a lovely dark colour, good variety!
18 Mar, 2011