Arbour 2 May 04
By Libet

25 Mar, 2011
And this is after the tiles went on
Comments on this photo
Thanks again Michaella! you're very kind!
25 Mar, 2011
this looks idyllic.
25 Mar, 2011
Thank you Stickitoffee! It's a great place to cool down in on a "scorchio' day!
25 Mar, 2011
i was thinking that ~ perfect for a cup of tea and a cake?
25 Mar, 2011
Oh! What about Stickitoffee Pudding! Yumpety! my favourite! ;0) Lol! I'll provide the tea!
25 Mar, 2011
tomorrow afternoon ok for you? served with ice cream or cream?
25 Mar, 2011
Well, I think it would be better with cream... by the time you got over here, well, the ice cream might be more like butter, ohhh, yes! bring scones, I've a lovely jar of homemade plum jam just waiting for an excuse! Oh, gosh! lovely hubby threatening to pull my plug out!
25 Mar, 2011
is that cos he isnt getting sticki toffee pudding ~ or scones ~ or cream?
25 Mar, 2011
I think it's because it isn't all coming coated in chocolate! His favourite holiday coming up, I think he might even have a go at a boiled egg covered in chocolate! urgh gh! retch! made my self feel sick! I'm off to bed now! and you are now officially going to made a FUN favourite!! :0)))) Lol!
25 Mar, 2011
Stickytoffee pudding in that lovely arbour, room for 3?
26 Mar, 2011
im sure there would be mandym ~ if we only have a little piece each we will be even slimmer so we can definitely fit more in!!!
everything covered in chocolate libet??? hmmm! washing up would be fun!!!
26 Mar, 2011
Absolutely Mandym!, we'll have one big bowl, and you bring three spoons, and we'll share!
Sticki!! Whatever do you mean!! ;0)
26 Mar, 2011
On my way! lol
27 Mar, 2011
could always have an arbour made of chocolate!?? but i was only thinking of the plates, spoons and cups!
still on the chocolate theme ~ if you coat a spoon in chocolate and let it set then use it to stir coffee it makes a nice tasty drink!
27 Mar, 2011
Lovely! Mandym...;0) eating AND nattering...perfect!!
Oh yum, Sticki, could just have a little nibble at the edges, when we're feeling a little faint, after a hard days work...well, hubby could, I get choccy migraines...I must have been a bad girl in my former life! And I really miss Maltesers! Wahhh!
But I'm definitely going to steal that beezer idea with the chocolate spoons! It's my turn to do Easter lunch for the in-laws+aunts+uncles+nephews+girlfriends+etc, and that would be lovely with a big coffee cake and expresso for afters, wouldn't it? I have some wedding pressie spoons, that have little enamelled flowery handles, that are really rather twee, but they would be perfect for this, nice wee talking point. Oh, all happy now! Just have to get the garden tidied and prettied up and we'll be all set! Thank you Pippa!! You're a star!!
27 Mar, 2011
better try it out first ~ make sure it works!! i would hate it to go wrong when you have visitors!! certainly sounds lovely with the coffee cake.
27 Mar, 2011
That's a good idea! I'll experiment on Keith tomorrow, he'll not know what's hit him! I can't see that there would be any problems... the in-laws think I'm daft as a brush anyway, and if anything goes wrong we all have a good 'ol hoot! and you certainly won't be held personally responsible Pet!
27 Mar, 2011
have fun!!
28 Mar, 2011
Thanks Pippa! :0)
28 Mar, 2011
you're a late night GoYer i see!!
28 Mar, 2011
Hi Sticki! Well yes, I can be a bit of a late wee buddy, but while I was answering you last night, the site went all squirly! I know they were closing it down for maintenance today, but it seems to be okay now! Of course, it would be after I had written a huge screed of stuff! Well, I'll go back to help Keith now and I'll probably catch up with you later! Just didn't want to leave you hanging!
29 Mar, 2011
oh no! all squirly?? so frustrating when you have just written it all out. occasionally i have copied into word and pasted it back in ~ thats when my internet was playing up.
think mine was ok last night but wasnt on it all the time!!
is keith cooking or working?
29 Mar, 2011
Hello! that was the frustrating thing, the blessed thing just gave me no warning, just strolled off and huffed in the corner! Couldn't even save it to somewhere else! And all on an iphone! Lol!
No, Keith's not cooking today, he's up to his eyes with work, which really is a blessing in these straitened days... although undoubtedly he has threatened the two kitties with being put up the chimneys to earn their keep if they don't stop disturbing him! Quote:
"How am I supposed to keep you in nice wee fleecy beds and kitty litter, if you don't stop deleting things on the keyboard, or gazing into my ear?" He he! It's hilarious! They just yawn on him with their 'death breath' and go on pampering his lap!
Oh yum! I've just been brought a big bowl of ice-cream! nice surprise! I'm away for a we say over here!
29 Mar, 2011
my phone wont do internet ~ its only pay as you go with tesco [cos it was cheap!]
those kitties will be in such trouble!!
that ice cream sounds really good ~ hope you are eating it with some delicious and unhealthy sauce!! i just bought the rachel allen book ~ favourite food at home ~ its got some nice things in ~ including a lovely sauce for ice cream
29 Mar, 2011
Ahhh, no, I use my phone for researching things ont't net, when I can't get on the big computer! We got a brill deal on getting two iphones, it halved my bill alone!
And don't you worry about the kitties, I'll stuff them up my jumper... they'll never be found!
No sauce on the ice-cream, just as it comes, I'll likely regret it, I haven't really got the constitution for it, it'll probably come back to bite me on the bum, possibly quite literally!
A friend's wife sent her husband on a cookery course to Darina Allen's place down south, she's Rachel Allen's Mummy-in-law, and he really enjoyed it, he said it was a great course, and he's a real foodie! She's really improved her tv persona over the years, her recipes are lovely! Anyway, get you behind me Pippa, you and your ice-cream sauces...arghhh!
29 Mar, 2011
you made me laugh libet ~ im coming over to ireland to do a cookery course one of these days and i hope it will include some good sauces!!
actually im trying to be good myself ~ have to lose some weight before sons wedding!!
30 Mar, 2011
Oh now, that would be fab fun! Although, I would probably end up doing what I do at home...grating my fingernails off...macheteing my way through the end of my thumb, and then end up washing the flippin' knife and then slashing right across the palm of my hand whilst drying it! Any good at first-aid? Maybe an army medic might be better! Eeeek!
That's a lovely event to look forward to, with your son's wedding! Although I didn't think nine year olds could get married? You honestly don't sound old enough to have a son of marriageable age!! Have you any more children? I would think you are up to your eyes in wedding plans and whatnot? I got my mummy-in-law involved by asking her to make the wedding cake, but she got so perfectionist about it she ended up making about 12 cakes; 3 sets of 3, before she was happy with them! Poor soul, I only asked her 'cause she loved to bake, but I think I stretched her so thin she almost twanged!! But the cakes were yumpety!!
There again, shouldn't talk about cakes when you're trying to lose weight, I'm sure you haven't too much to lose, and getting out into the garden to work is always counted as good excercise, not just going out in the garden with a nice wee cuppa and a choccy biccie! (alright, one then!). So think of me 'tut tut-ing!' when you think of having something naughty to eat, and dash outside and dig a good big hole in the garden instead! With any luck it'll be like a *bombsite for the wedding! Ooops!(*shouldn't say the b-word over here!) But anyhoo, by then you'll be as skinny as a rake, which you can always use to fill in all the holes you've created!:0} Oh dear, I've slipped into surreal world, I'm just coming out of the other end of a migraine, and the tablets seem to make my brain all doolally!!
30 Mar, 2011
hope your headache is better.
i sent a PM.
31 Mar, 2011
Yes, thank you Sticki! I'm like Worzel Gummige, I'll just put the non-headache head on tomorrow and I'll be grand!!
31 Mar, 2011
i wish i had one of those heads ~ mine is like a turnip but it doesnt come off!!
1 Apr, 2011
Now you see, you need to get out and get yourself a good big stonker of a migraine from Soreheads-R-Us...and then your head will feel exactly like it's coming off!! Ewww! ;;0)))) lol! Oh, and although, sadly, my head's not like a turnip, my hair is just exactly like straw!
1 Apr, 2011
i live near birmingham ~ i think it would be sorheads-am-us near here!!!!!
2 Apr, 2011
Och, Sticki! Oh snort! that was funny! I could just hear that in my head! Oh no! the voices are back! Where there's a sense of humour there's hope! At least on this weekend there is! All oki doki I hope?!!!
2 Apr, 2011
yes, thanks libet ~ better than i thought.
lovely to see son as always and oldest one has just phoned ~ he has gone to miami, florida for a week! just nice when they remember me!!!
2 Apr, 2011
How relaxing for you - your garden is fab :):):) What is the yellow plant with red shoots at the top ??
11 May, 2011
Hi Paul! I think that's another spirea, possibly 'Goldflame' it's only young whichever variety it is! Told you I couldn't do without them! It's an addiction! ;0)
12 May, 2011
beautyful and appears very peaceful. Thankyou.
7 Aug, 2011
Och Hello Tony! Fancy meeting you! It's a long read down to here! Thanks for your lovely comment!
7 Aug, 2011
What a wonderful place to sit.
11 Oct, 2011
Thank you Fabrice! It's completely hidden now, but it's still a lovely wee place to hide away!
12 Oct, 2011
I love you.person garden nice
5 Nov, 2012
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Lovely area to sit in :))))
25 Mar, 2011