Primula Denticulata Drumstick Primrose
By Pansypotter

29 Mar, 2011
Bloomer gave me a lovely white one of these I am now hooked! just bought myself this lovely Pink and also a purple one so its the start of a collection ;0))
Comments on this photo
Lovely colour. I bought a pink one at the weekend as an early mother's day gift. Looks like you have a little seedling to the right of the primula.
29 Mar, 2011
i have one of these carole, i think it came with some blue bells a client gave me last year, so nice surprise, its planted near pond now :o)
29 Mar, 2011
I love this colour :)))
29 Mar, 2011
Very pretty , I set some seed last year but they haven't flowered yet ........
29 Mar, 2011
Lovely colour Carole.I don't seem to have much luck with the coloured ones..don't know why,as they are in the same border as the white ones,and they have lots of flowers ...
29 Mar, 2011
Thanks Everyone
HB pleased you like it ,
Cinderella they are a nice colour
Garret a nice Mother's Day gift, and I can see the little seedling;0)
Sandra you were lucky getting such a nice suprise, Michaella the purple one is a lovley colour too,
Amy hope yours flower for you havent grown primulas from seed, but potted on the Blue Poppy seedings today'-)
Sandra.strange how the coloured ones havent done well for you, if mine take I will save some for you at the endof the flowering season;0)
29 Mar, 2011
Gorgeous colour and lovely blooms on them Carole.
29 Mar, 2011
That would be lovely Carole,thank you..:o)
30 Mar, 2011
Thanks Sixpence glad you like them!
Your Welcome Sandra, remind me closer the time;0)
30 Mar, 2011
This is lovely :o)
30 Mar, 2011
I will be waiting on your doorstep,Carole Lol :o))
30 Mar, 2011
Thanks Terra
Lol Sandra will have the kettle on the boil!
30 Mar, 2011
31 Mar, 2011
very nice..i will be putting some of these in my rock garden and will need some tips from you about these...
11 Jun, 2011
They are first time for me Angela but I really like them and will be getting more for next spring, easy to grow same conditions as all Primulas;0)
11 Jun, 2011
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Very nice. I like the colour
29 Mar, 2011