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Middle path looking back towards house

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Olive....all your garden photos today are showing your garden filling up've whipped it into shape very well :) It sure is nice when the sun shines and we have all the new spring growth to cheer us on. x

31 Mar, 2011


Certainly is Whistonlass :O)

31 Mar, 2011


Nice :o)))

31 Mar, 2011


Very tidy and so much promise!

31 Mar, 2011


Thank you:o)

31 Mar, 2011


Ah, look at Scruffy! :)

31 Mar, 2011


He is 14 years old this year, lol. as deaf as a post and going senile until that is the big boys come out to play or an aeroplane goes over the garden. Then he finds he can still run. lol. what an old codger he is! They say that dogs are like their owners don't they!!!! (you better not reply to that one) lol. :O)

1 Apr, 2011


lol....I was looking at the dog in the photo and couldn't make up my mind if it was an ornament or a real pooch... Karen and Olive, you've solved it for me. Scruffy seems pretty laid back there in your garden, Olive :)

1 Apr, 2011


Your garden is a delight Olive, it looks might big though, thought mine was large/ish.

19 Apr, 2011


very big, a bit like the Firth of Forth Bridge, I start one end and by the time I get back it needs all doing again.

19 Apr, 2011


Lol Olive :~) no time for sittin then!!

19 Apr, 2011


I do sit, in between jobs with coffee/tea and we do have our meals out in the garden when the weather is as good as it is at the moment. We had our dinner out there this evening. It has turned quite cool though so we have all gone back indoors. lol.

19 Apr, 2011


Think we are all forgetting its only April, usually very cold, windy & wet!!! Another smashing day today, just my temperature too.

20 Apr, 2011

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