By David

31 Mar, 2011
Glasshouse in a local park
Comments on this photo
Well, I don't think that I've ever tried a green banana, Yorkshire. Ours usually end up being over-ripe, and get turned into banana loaf bread.
31 Mar, 2011
Where s the chimps lol a banana with green is good for the heart but once all green goes they are bad they turn to sugar.
31 Mar, 2011
A bit like sweetcorn turning to starch, 6d!! Great advice!!
31 Mar, 2011
Yes I find it interesting how food can alter to harm or do good.
31 Mar, 2011
I like them ripe not over ripe and have one everyday for the Magnesium, good for the muscles and cramps ........
1 Apr, 2011
no banana bread David, I eat them green, can't eat ripe one's
1 Apr, 2011
I'm going to buy some green ones now, and try them.
2 Apr, 2011
Lol bet you don't like them,
2 Apr, 2011
You're right, Yorkshire! Sorry, but I thought "Yuk"! :-))
3 Apr, 2011
sorry David, only way I eat them, Lol
3 Apr, 2011
Just had to try, though, out of curiosity. Is this because of their potassium content?
3 Apr, 2011
no I just can't eat ripe or yellow bananas
3 Apr, 2011
Always heard that bananas were potassium rich and like avocadoes, should be eaten very ripe..(spoiled in my opinion) black almost! Geeesh! don't know which is more revolting green or black!
13 Apr, 2011
green is best Lori
14 Apr, 2011
The only thing I like Green & Black is their organic chocolate - haha!! :-))
15 Apr, 2011
That sounds VERY interesting! : - )~ drool.....
15 Apr, 2011
Green & Blacks is a company which makes organic chocolates and choc bars - very high % cacao, lol!! X
15 Apr, 2011
Those are some nice bananas. I have a bunch of bananas in my front and back yards about this size, and they're almost ready to be cut. There's nothing like home-grown bananas.
10 Nov, 2011
Am envious that you can "grow your own", Delonix. :-)
10 Nov, 2011
We don't think of it as being a big deal to grow our own bananas here in San Diego, many people do. I've been growing my own bananas for many years. :>)
11 Nov, 2011
oh here I go again...avocadoes and bananas...I'm envious too, David! I know the bananas we buy are green when they leave the plantation but does that make a significant difference in taste, D1? I know that home grown tomatoes are beyond compare in flavour...guess it's the same for bananas???
11 Nov, 2011
Yes, it does make quite a difference. The whole banana stalk is cut when a few bananas start turning very light yellow. Although, I've seen people leave the bananas on the stalk and pick them as they ripen. The problem with this method is the bananas ripen very quickly (so you have to eat a whole lot of bananas a day. lol).
I noticed in the background this posted pic, there's a Mostera deliciosa (Split-leaf-Philodendron), it has really good pineable-tasting fruit, also. My large Split-leaf-Philodendron in my backyeard has flowers and fruit on it right now, too.
11 Nov, 2011
love banana loaf bread.
7 Sep, 2013
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I just love green bananas, they are the best,
31 Mar, 2011