the most colourful time of year
By Stickitoffee

4 Apr, 2011
this is taken from the new lounge window ~ as you can see it is the most colourful time of year in this garden ~ i only wish the azalea and camelia would stay in bloom all the time ~ i love their colours and the pierris just sets them off i think.
Comments on this photo
Wow! Can't believe your Pieris is already in bloom . . . lovely pic Sticki.
4 Apr, 2011
Right you are Stikitoffee, absolutely beauties going on there :))))))
4 Apr, 2011
Darned site more colourful than my mess Sticki!
4 Apr, 2011
thank you everyone;
pieris has been out for a while sheila, not often that there is no colour on them ~ thats why i like them
but i havent got exotics meanie ~ the camellia, azalea and pierris were here when we came ~ lucky me!
4 Apr, 2011
very pretty sticki, your right they dont last long enough.
4 Apr, 2011
The "exotics" take up a lot of indoor space, and that is all well and good until the red spider mite comes a knocking.......
4 Apr, 2011
aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhgggggggggg!! thats not so good.
dont mind spiders really ~ its slugs i hate.
4 Apr, 2011
Spiders I like (we had a Tarantula move into the flat in Sydney) - red spider mite I curse!
4 Apr, 2011
did you keep the tarantula?
4 Apr, 2011
It just decided it was staying!
We called it Spike.
4 Apr, 2011
i had a feeling you might have named it!!
and no doubt you fed it too??
4 Apr, 2011
We preferred not to think about what it found to eat!
It must have escaped from captivity, as it was completely unfazed by being around people.
4 Apr, 2011
Your garden's looking fab Sticki! So neat too! You've had great weather to take photos. And I know what you mean about everything looking lovely and staying for longer, but, if it didn't go away, it couldn't come back again next year!
5 Apr, 2011
excellent it looks like July or something - very nice garden and colours :):):)
5 Apr, 2011
thanks both ~ it had been raining a little so the colours look brighter.
very true libet!
i dont think it looks as good in july PG ~ have you got some plants you could recommend??
5 Apr, 2011
Thats a lovely picture Sticki. Fantastic colour
5 Apr, 2011
very nice,Sticki,lots of lovely must have acid soil there,for them to do so well..
5 Apr, 2011
thank you cinderella and bloomer ~ yes its a bit on the acid side ~ im glad about that cos these are the plants i like. its on the side of the lickey hills
5 Apr, 2011
Couldn't be better be able to have plants you like..:o)
5 Apr, 2011
im very lucky.
5 Apr, 2011
Wow, that is really beautiful and just so 'spring'. I love Camellias too, in fact I think I shall plant a Camellia for Japan. Perhaps not a Japonica after this winter, but a good Williamsii to replace one of my dead evergreens. Thank you Sticki!
5 Apr, 2011
welcome karen
5 Apr, 2011
I think rubbeckias are lovely Stickitoffee for summer - Goldsturm type
5 Apr, 2011
is that the yellow daisy-type with the black centre? to put in the spaces i have?
5 Apr, 2011
yes - quite big - but just a thought for you :):)
5 Apr, 2011
thank you! that border is quite shady ~ will they be ok in there? OH likes them, i think i have seeds for one type of rudbeckia
5 Apr, 2011
it can tolerate partial shade yes - grows tall anyway so should reach the sun the flower heads :):):)
6 Apr, 2011
Must be a treat to look out your window on a sunny spring morning ..
4 May, 2011
yes certain times of the year are better than others but the trees are lovely, even if they do create shade, thanks bill.
the colours have gone now tho ~ azalea and camellia have finished till next year!
4 May, 2011
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Beautiful Sticky, I love this time of the year too!
4 Apr, 2011