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Ornithogalum nutans

Ornithogalum nutans (Ornithogalum nutans (Drooping Star of Bethlehem))

first flowers in 10 yrs. probably because I thought they were bluebells and kept trying to pull them out . oops.

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It is pretty :))) Lovely nails too :))

7 May, 2011


thanks , it is a pretty flower and the nails on this hand are the least ravaged by gardening. only 2 decent ones on my right hand :o)

7 May, 2011


Lol, that's what I thought Michaella!!

8 May, 2011


I didn't pull mine out yet I got no flowers - perhaps I'll have to wait ten years too.....

8 May, 2011


oh i hope not meanie.

9 May, 2011


I do too SBG!!!

9 May, 2011


Lovely flowers :)

11 May, 2011


.....and nails!

11 May, 2011


They are lovely SBG....fancy pulling them out...! :-)

13 May, 2011


LOL, Seaburngirl! I did the same thing with Larkspur in my main flowerbed thinking that it was a weed.. I had tried to grow it for the longest time! {chuckle}
Btw, nice nails, but they need more dirt under them.. ;-)

14 May, 2011


oh believe me they get plenty of dirt under them. I rarely wear gloves :o) I do scratch them over a bar of soap before i satrt so dirt doesnt get ingrained underneath. also stops my biting them as soap tastes disgusting.

14 May, 2011

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